Skip to 0 minutes and 1 second SPEAKER: Get cool with Kubernetes. You can learn container orchestration with Kubernetes in just three weeks. Expert Mumshad Mannambeth, DevOps and Cloud Trainer from, shows you how. This course will enable you to get grips with the basic concepts of Kubernetes, how to set up and get started, describe networking and develop YAML definition files in Kubernetes, and deploy a microservices application on a cloud platform. The best part is you can learn wherever and whenever you want. Step into your future with the Beginner’s Guide to Kubernetes for Container Orchestration from Packt and FutureLearn.

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2 hours
A Beginner's Guide to Kubernetes for Container Orchestration
Start your career as a DevOps engineer
The demand for DevOps engineers in the IT industry is ever-increasing and for any DevOps professional, knowledge of Kubernetes is essential. On this three-week course, you’ll learn everything you need to get up and running with Kubernetes.
You’ll complete a series of hands-on coding exercises that accompany each major concept, designed to help you deploy your own applications to a Kubernetes platform confidently.
By the end of this course, you’ll have developed the skill set needed to start your career as a DevOps engineer.
Learn key Kubernetes concepts
Starting with basic concepts, you’ll gain a strong foundational knowledge of Kubernetes and learn about Docker and containers.
Next, you’ll put these skills into practice and set up a lab using VirtualBox. From here, you’ll learn to work with Minikube to create a Kubernetes cluster and use YAML files to create and deploy Pods.
With this knowledge, you’ll understand how containers/Pods communicate with one another in Kubernetes.
Unpack microservices architecture
You’ll study Kubernetes services and the architecture of Kubernetes microservices.
This understanding will help you learn how to deploy microservices applications on Kubernetes and gain an insight into the success of brands such as Amazon, Netflix, and Etsy.
Explore Kubernetes on Cloud services
Finally, you’ll explore how Kubernetes runs on different cloud applications such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.
You’ll also gain experience in deploying microservices applications to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Kubernetes cluster, and learn to set up a multi-node Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm.
By the end, you’ll have developed the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to thrive as a DevOps engineer.
Week 1
An introduction to Kubernetes and YAML
Introduction to the course
Welcome to A Beginner's Guide to Kubernetes for Container Orchestration and the start of your learning journey, brought to you by Packt.
Kubernetes overview
In this activity, we will introduce Kubernetes, containers, Kubernetes orchestration and architecture.
Kubernetes - setting up and concepts
In this activity, we will discuss how to set up Kubernetes.
The word Three written in white text on a pink background with a white stairs icon to the left.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of Week 1. In this activity, you'll reflect on what you have learned.
Week 2
Replica sets, deployment, networking, and services
Introduction to Week 2
Welcome to Week 2. In this activity we'll highlight the main topics that will be covered this week.
Replica sets
In this activity, we will discuss replication controllers and replica sets.
In this activity, we will discuss deployments.
In this activity, we will describe Kubernetes services.
Networking in Kubernetes
In this activity, we will describe networking in Kubernetes.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of Week 2. In this activity, you'll reflect on what you have learned.
Week 3
Multiservices architecture and Kubernetes on Cloud
Introduction to Week 3
Welcome to Week 3. In this activity we'll highlight the main topics that will be covered this week.
Microservices architecture
In this activity, we will describe microservices architecture.
Kubernetes on Cloud
In this activity, we will discuss Kubernetes on the cloud.
Set up a multi-node cluster using kubeadm
In this activity, we will describe how to set up a multi-node cluster using kubeadm.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of Week 3. In this activity, you'll reflect on what you have learned.
Learning on this course
On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Describe the basic concepts of Kubernetes.
- Demonstrate ways of setting up and getting started with Kubernetes.
- Describe networking in Kubernetes.
- Develop Kubernetes YAML definition files.
- Demonstrate how to deploy a microservices application on a cloud platform.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone wanting to become a DevOps engineer or those already working in the profession and wanting to gain knowledge of Kubernetes.
What's included?
This is a premium course. These courses are designed for professionals from specific industries looking to learn with a smaller group of like-minded individuals.
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- Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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