Skip to 0 minutes and 1 second SPEAKER: Version control victory is possible. You can learn Git and its version control systems in only one week. Software Engineer, Ross Conyers, shares his knowledge and guides you through this beginner’s course in learning VCS and Git. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to easily navigate Git, use branching workflows, and create Git repositories. Get to grips with Git, and learn wherever and whenever you want. Step into your future with a beginner’s guide to VCS and Git from Packt and FutureLearn.

1 weekWeekly study
2 hours
A Beginner’s Guide to VCS and Git
Learn how to use Git commands
Git Version Control Systems (VCS) changes your approach to modern software engineering. Using Git, you can easily track the history of file and code changes, deliver new versions of software without relying on any continuous delivery mechanisms, and protect your code from any mistakes made while programming.
On this one-week course, you’ll learn how to use Git and the common commands that you’ll need in your workflow as a software engineer.
You’ll understand how to install Git and use your computer’s terminal or command line to navigate the file system, before learning how to create and edit files.
Delve into the Git workflow techniques
You’ll unpack Git’s branching workflow to understand why it’s such a useful feature, and how to use it in your projects.
With this knowledge, you’ll be able to move onto more advanced Git workflow techniques that will make you a valued contributor and collaborator on any project.
You’ll be able to create your own Git repositories, or clone and contribute to existing ones. This will allow you to track the changes to sets of files over time, recover data you might lose, and collaborate with others on projects.
Delve into version control
You’ll gain an understanding of version control, also known as source control.
With this knowledge, you’ll be able to easily track and manage changes to software code.
Develop key software engineering skills
By the end of the course, you’ll be familiar with using Git to handle large projects easily and make well-crafted contributions to your own or others’ projects.
You’ll have a profound understanding of Git’s branching workflow, and how to use it in the best possible way in your projects.
Week 1
The fundamentals of Git
Introduction to the course
Welcome to A Beginner’s Guide to VCS and Git and the start of your learning journey, brought to you by Packt.
Version control and the terminal
In this activity, we will discover how to install Git, create, and edit files, and use the terminal to navigate the file system.
Learning the basics
In this activity, we will cover all the commonly used commands in Git.
Branches and workflows
In this activity, we will learn about Git’s branching workflow, why it’s useful and how to use it in projects.
Advanced Git workflow
In this activity, we’ll explore advanced Git workflow techniques to help make you a valued contributor and collaborator on a project. You’ll learn about Git repositories, cloning and how to contribute to existing repositories.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of this course. In this activity, you will reflect on what you have learned.
Learning on this course
On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Demonstrate how to install and use Git.
- Investigate branching workflows.
- Create Git repositories.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone interested in software engineering and developing skills in using Git.
What software or tools do you need?
You’ll need to install and configure Git on your Windows or MacOS system. We’ll show you how to do this on the course.
What's included?
This is a premium course. These courses are designed for professionals from specific industries looking to learn with a smaller group of like-minded individuals.
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