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Achieving Transitions to Zero Carbon Emissions and Sustainable Urban Mobility

Discover how cities can transform their urban mobility systems to become more sustainable and reach zero carbon emissions.

1,605 enrolled on this course

A photo showing a street in Vitoria-Gasteiz before and after changes to infrastructure to improve urban mobility. Images -  Environmental Studies Centre, Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council

Achieving Transitions to Zero Carbon Emissions and Sustainable Urban Mobility

1,605 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

Find out more about how to join this course

Understand the steps to becoming a sustainable city

Transport accounts for a large proportion of carbon emissions, so ensuring urban mobility systems are sustainable is key to helping cities to achieve zero-carbon goals.

On this four-week course, you’ll discover how cities can transition their mobility systems to become sustainable, innovative, and inclusive.

You will develop an understanding of the policy tools and methods that cities can use to achieve their vision to transition to a zero-carbon sustainable urban mobility city.

Learn to overcome the challenges cities face in achieving net zero carbon emissions

On the course, you will explore the major challenges facing cities in reaching net zero carbon mobility emissions.

You’ll learn to identify barriers to change and the enabling factors that can facilitate implementation processes. With this knowledge, you’ll have the skills to better address these challenges in your city.

Adopt a systems thinking approach to transport and urban systems

Based on practical examples, you will explore a range of urban environments from a systems thinking and cross-sectoral perspective.

You’ll learn from relevant case studies across the globe to identify the needs of a range of cities. This exploration will give you an improved understanding of evidence-based policy-making and decision-making processes.

Learn from leading experts across the world

Guided by a range of experts from universities to policy-makers and international organisations, you will learn how to challenge traditional transport policy-making processes and generate new ideas and approaches.

By the end of the course, you will have upskilled to better address the challenges faced in the transport and urban sectors and be a more effective advocate for achieving sustainable urban mobility and zero-carbon systems.

What topics will you cover?

This MOOC will demonstrate (i) how cities can transition their mobility systems to become sustainable, innovative and inclusive and (ii) how they can accelerate to a zero carbon sustainable urban mobility system.

Specifically, the MOOC will highlight:

  • Why do we need to change our systems? Accelerating Transitions to zero carbon sustainable urban mobility systems matters.
  • Relevant conceptual & theoretical frameworks (building blocks)
  • Tools & Methods to support the acceleration
  • Practical implementation challenges and opportunities
  • Relevant case studies across the Global North and Global South

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Discuss and develop conceptual and practical understanding of urban mobility transitions and vision zero pathways, through various case study cities
  • Investigate and assess the development of long-term city visions and vision-led planning
  • Assess implementation planning and processes and identify enabling factors and barriers to change related to practical implementation planning processes
  • Explore different planning approaches & tools to support the acceleration of transitions towards zero carbon cities
  • Engage with practical experiences from a range of urban environments to identify, refect upon and decode problems and challenges for transport and urban systems, from a systems thinking and cross sectoral perspective

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone, with no prior knowledge or prerequisites required. This course will be particularly useful if you are concerned about reducing transport carbon emissions and want to learn more about sustainable urban mobility and transitions. It will be especially relevant if you are a professional or practitioner in the field; or you are a student interested in the environment and transportation. It is designed to be of value to participants from around the world.

Who will you learn with?

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Environmental & Transport Policy at the Centre for Transport Studies, part of the Engineering department at UCL

Peter is Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, in the Centre for Transport Studies at UCL. He is a Member of the Independent Transport Commission, and the UK DfT Science Advisory Council

Officer in Sustainable Mobility at ICLEI Europe

Hello! I am a Sustainable Transport Planner and Adivsor at the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and Women Mobilize Women (WMW) at GIZ.

Who developed the course?

UCL (University College London)

UCL was founded in 1826. It was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, and the first to open up university education to those previously excluded from it.

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019 we have been working to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more liveable places. We aim to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility. Co-funding of up to € 400 million (2020-2026) from the EIT, a body of the European Union, will help make this happen.

Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI)

The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) is implemented by GIZ and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. ICLEI influences sustainability policy and drives local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.

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  • Digital certificate when you're eligible

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  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 25 Apr 2024

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

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  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

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  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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