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AI and Bioinformatics: Genomic Data Analysis

Develop your knowledge of AI in bioinformatics and learn how to use WEKA to advance your bioinformatics research and career.

1,048 enrolled on this course

human DNA chain

AI and Bioinformatics: Genomic Data Analysis

1,048 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Gain practical skills in using WEKA

This three-week course from Taipei Medical University follows on from the online short course ‘Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics’ to help you master AI techniques in the field of bioinformatics.

Through real-world case studies, such as the design and discovery of drugs, you’ll learn how AI and machine learning are transforming bioinformatics.

You’ll also gain practical skills as you learn how to use WEKA, a Java software with a collection of machine learning algorithms, to collect and analyse bioinformatics data.

Discover AI applications in bioinformatics research, such as genome sequencing

You’ll develop your understanding of AI-based bioinformatics research, including genome sequencing, protein function prediction, and gene expression examination.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to interpret biological data and provide statistical information.

Understand a Convolutional Neural Network and other deep learning concepts

Next, you’ll explore the foundations of deep learning to understand how AI can process data in a way similar to the human brain.

You’ll delve into core concepts such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and Natural Language Processing before unpacking their applications in bioinformatics.

Build your AI toolkit for working in bioinformatics

Finally, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills you need to apply AI in practice.

Mastering WEKA, you’ll learn how to use the tool to help with your professional research in bioinformatics. You’ll also gain the skills to write bioinformatics papers as you explore research flowcharts and data visualisation.

By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills to drive innovation in bioinformatics.


  • Week 1

    Feature Learning

    • Review of AI in Bioinformatics

      We will have a quick review of previous couse.

    • Feature Learning

      Feature learning is an AI technique where algorithms autonomously identify and extract informative patterns from raw data. Find out more in this session.

  • Week 2

    Deep Learning

    • Deep learning algorithm

      Find our more on how artificial neural networks use multiple layers to learn patterns and representations from data in this session.

    • Deep learning and bioinformatics

      In this session, we explore the exciting realm of deep learning and its applications in bioinformatics. From human genomics to medicine, we'll discuss the opportunities and challenges that this transformative technology brings to

    • Weka and Deep Learning

      In this session, we will focus on the integration of deep learning with Weka, a popular data mining tool. Through informative videos and discussions, we'll delve into deep learning implementations and explore various frameworks,

  • Week 3

    Writing Bioinformatics Papers

    • Research Flowchart and Dabta Visualization

      Professor Khanh will a step-by-step flowchart that guides researchers through the process of conducting bioinformatics research.

    • Bioinformatics Paper Example

      Professor Khanh will use a bioinformatics paper example to explain how to apply deep neural networks with biological subwords to detect protein S-sulfenylation sites.

    • Assessment Time

      This session includes an engaging assessment quiz to test your knowledge, followed by a valuable discussion on course feedback, and further plan on using Weka.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explain the concepts of AI learning, machine learning, and deep learning, and how they are applied in bioinformatics.
  • Analyze and visualize data for reporting the results of bioinformatics experiments.
  • Write bioinformatics papers for publication.
  • Be able to perfom Weka and read results for futther analyzation

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for any student, biologist, or researcher who would like to learn the basics of using AI to study bioinformatics data.

It follows on from our short course ‘Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics’ which we recommend taking first to develop your foundation of knowledge beforehand.

Who will you learn with?

Dr. Khanh is an Assistant Professor with the Professional Master Program in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan.

Who developed the course?

Taipei Medical University

Taipei Medical University (TMU) has been a leader in Taiwan’s healthcare system for over half a century due to its research, teaching excellence, internationalization and outstanding medical service.

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