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Applications of AI in Real Estate Finance and Investment

Explore the impact AI is having on real estate finance to make more informed and data-driven investment decisions.

615 enrolled on this course

Graphic of a house made out of paper sitting on a financial bar chart.

Applications of AI in Real Estate Finance and Investment

615 enrolled on this course

  • 6 weeks

  • 1 hour per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Harness AI for real estate finance and investment

Technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and big data is on its way to transforming all sectors and industries. Real estate finance is just one of them.

On this six-week course, you’ll discover the impact AI is having on investment, housing prices, mortgage calculation, and more.

Guided by the experts at National Chengchi University and National Tsing Hua University (under the University System of Taiwan), you’ll gain the technological and financial expertise you need to undertake market analysis and make informed investment decisions.

Master the fundamentals of real estate and finance

The course will begin with an overview of key concepts relating to real estate and finance.

You’ll examine the different types of real estate, master crucial financial concepts like value and annuity, and learn how to estimate real estate value for your investments.

Understand how AI could contribute to real estate pricing and investment

Once you’ve covered the fundamentals of real estate finance, you can begin looking at the impact of new technologies.

You’ll learn how AI and big data are changing our approaches to real estate appraisal, mortgage calculation, housing pricing, and beyond.

Practise using AI to conduct a feasibility analysis

In the final week of the course, you’ll put your new knowledge into practice to conduct a market study and a financial feasibility analysis. You’ll gain hands-on experience of advising on a long-term real estate investment project.

With the in-demand finance skills you gain over the six weeks of the course, you’ll impress recruiters all around the world.

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  • Week 1

    The Outline of "AI" on Real Estate

    • Course Introduction

      Welcome to our course, AI Application on Real Estate Finance and Investment! What is artificial intelligence? What is real estate? What is finance and investment? You can learn in this course.

    • Real Estate, Housing Price

      In this activity, we will briefly introduce real estate categories and housing price trends.

    • Rent or Buy?

      There are 3 major appraisal approaches to the value of real estate, we can compare the cost and make the decision via a very interesting and practical case on real estate appraisal.

  • Week 2

    Basics of Finance and the Application of Excel

    • Efficient, Precise, Quick, Concise

      Real estate is an important part of investment. Using Excel software to calculate basic finance factors, including the present value, the future value, and the interest.

    • Know Present Value or Find Future Value?

      We will continue the time value calculation, like from present value to future value, or from future value to present value.

    • Future Value and Annuity

      With the Excel function, we can know more about FV, A, FVIF, and FVIFA, as the relationship between future value and annuity.

    • Present value and Annuity

      With the Excel function, we can know more about PV, A, PVIF, and PVIFA, as the relationship between present value and annuity.

    • Case Study

      There are some examples of time value in real estate, and we believe you have the capability to solve it in Excel. You will become a real estate mortgage analyst!

  • Week 3

    Factors Affecting Real Estate Prices and the Leading Indicators

    • Leading Indicators

      To make some forecasts, factors on the supply or demand side, and leading indicators of financial crisis or recession are important.

    • Price Surge, Supply Slow

      With both supply-side and demand-side factors affecting real estate, we will have some clean and precise clues on the prediction of the real estate market.

    • Inverted Yield Curve

      Search for the yield curve in different countries in different historical periods, and then you can relate the inverted yield curve to a financial crisis or event.

    • Who Can Be the Buyer of the House?

      Discussion for some realistic cases in the real estate market. The purpose is to live or to invest? Whether we can control the house prices?

  • Week 4

    Approaches of Real Estate Appraisal

    • What Is Low and What Is High?

      Why do we need real estate appraisal? Why is the real estate appraisal so important? What are the principles of real estate appraisal?

    • Cost Approach

      In this activity, we talked about the characteristics, merits, and drawbacks of the cost approach. Additionally, we introduce how the land development analysis is applied through the cost approach.

    • Market Approach

      In this activity, we talked about the characteristics, merits, and drawbacks of the market approach. Additionally, we briefly introduced the mass appraisal.

    • Income Approach

      In this activity, we talked about the characteristics, merits, and drawbacks of the income approach. Additionally, we learn how to find the net operating income, and recap cash flow analysis through a simple example.

    • Take A Chance or Take No Chances?

      We are going to compare these 3 approaches' characteristics and their differences, then you can apply them to the real estate market in reality. You can claim yourself as a real estate appraiser now!

  • Week 5

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Real Estate Finance and Investment

    • What Is Big Data? Google Trend

      Apply Google and Google Trend to use, to take advantage, to analyze the markets through big data.

    • AI on Real Estate Mortgage Calculation

      Using the app on the NCCU Real Estate Research Center, you will find there are several functions like amortization, the price suitable for you to pay, and so on.

    • Make Predictions for Housing Price

      We basically introduce the real estate mass appraisal through multiple regression, and it's also called the computer-assisted mass appraisal.

    • Can We Get the Appraised Value?

      How much is a new building? We are going to use Excel software to conduct the mass appraisal.

  • Week 6

    Real Estate Financial Feasibility Analysis

    • Investment Decision Making

      Accept or reject? The cash flow analysis, debt coverage ratio, NPV, and IRR can assist us in making a good decision.

    • Real Estate Development Feasibility Analysis

      There is a hotel development example, similar to other income-producing properties. Elements of the feasibility are income, expenses, capital structure, capital repayment tax rate, and future reversion value.

    • Investor Requirements

      Finish this financial feasibility analysis, you can really claim yourself a real estate expert!

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Calculate Present Value (PV), Future Value (FV), and Annuity (A)
  • Identify Types of Real Estate
  • Perform Leading Indicator of Financial Crisis or Recession - Yield Curve
  • Describe Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Process of Investment Decision Making
  • Evaluate Value of Real Estate
  • Interpret Supply-side & Demand-side Impact Factors in the Real Estate Market
  • Compare Three Approaches to Real Estate Appraisal
  • Apply Excel & CAMA Model on Mortgage Calculation
  • Demonstrate Financial Feasibility Analysis

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning more about real estate, finance, and the impact of AI.

It will be particularly useful for students enrolled in finance, land economics, and real estate management programmes.

Who will you learn with?

Professor, Dept. of Land Econ., Nat'l Chenchi Uni., TAIWAN.
Ph.D., Texas A&M Uni.
Visiting Prof., U.C. Berkeley (Fulbright); UMCS, Poland (Erasmus +); Nagoya
Uni., Japan; Beijing Tech. Uni.

Who developed the course?

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)

National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan consistently ranks as one of the premier universities in East Asia.

  • Established

  • Location

  • World ranking

    Top 170Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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