• Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education

Introduction to Aviation and Big Data Applications

Learn how to harness big data applications to drive digital transformation and automation in the aviation industry.

770 enrolled on this course

Digital airplane over an airport showing control towers and other communications facilities.

Introduction to Aviation and Big Data Applications

770 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Delve into big data with HKU SPACE

Big data has the power to enhance operations and boost profitability in almost every sector. When it comes to the aviation industry, data applications can help with pricing, security checks, and aircraft maintenance.

On this four-week course from HKU SPACE, you’ll delve into the many advantages of big data applications for aviation. You’ll learn about digital tools already in use, and gain the skills you need to drive digitalisation in future.

Explore the value of big data applications for the aviation industry

Digital transformation has become a priority for airlines and airport operators everywhere. By digitalising and automating their services, companies can improve customer experience while building efficiency.

Guided by experienced aviation practitioners, you’ll learn how big data applications can bring value to aviation companies.

Gain the skills you need to drive digital transformation

As well as a general understanding of how big data interacts with the aviation industry, you’ll also gain the specific skills needed to use big data applications. You’ll learn how to identify and harness data sources for pricing, marketing, airport operations, and more.

You’ll finish the course fully equipped to drive digital transformation in your own organisation.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds From searching

Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds to making a reservation From check-in to take-off From the cockpit to the control tower From here to there Every single thing you do can create data every single device and machine can generate a sea of data. Sources of data are all around us. What is big data? How does it relate to data generated everywhere? How does big data impact the aviation industry? In this course, you are going to understand how big data has been applied in aviation business, operation, and flight management. Information and data are extracted from websites, booking platforms, weather forecast stations, navigation stations and phones. Daily activities in the virtual world leave traces of transactions, customers’ behaviours, demand patterns, and so on.

Skip to 1 minute and 23 seconds How can we interpret the collected data to see what we could never see before? How does it improve customers’ experience, aircraft maintenance, flight safety and staff training? How can we use big data applications to enhance companies’ customer loyalty, operational efficiency, profits and reputation? With real-world examples, you are going to learn the way big data changes everything in the aviation industry. It is about time we embrace big data for digital transformation in the aviation industry. Come and join us.


  • Week 1

    What is Big Data

    • Course introduction

      In this activity, you are going to watch the introductory video that welcomes you to the course.

    • The definition of big data

      This activity explains what big data is.

    • Data analytics framework

      This activity introduces a typical data analytics framework and its core elements.

    • What can big data do?

      The activity briefly discusses the functions of big data and exemplifies the functions under different scenarios.

    • Summary of the week

      The activity gives you a brief summary of what you have learnt this week.

  • Week 2

    The Interaction between Big Data Applications and the Aviation Industry

    • Introducing the aviation industry

      The activity introduces the background and characteristics of the aviation industry.

    • The characteristics of the aviation industry

      The activity discusses a series of characteristics of the aviation industry.

    • What can big data do in aviation?

      The activity discusses what big data can do in the aviation industry with reference to different strategies that are used to boost the revenue of airlines.

    • Summary of the week

      This activity gives you a brief summary of what you have learnt this week.

  • Week 3

    The Functionality of Big Data in the Aviation Industry

    • Introducing the technical aspects of big data

      The activity introduces a number of common terminologies used in big data.

    • The characteristics and types of data

      The activity discusses 5Vs and different types of data.

    • How to start using big data

      The activity explains how to start using big data with respect to a 5-step process.

    • Summary of the week

      This activity gives you a brief summary of what you have learnt this week.

  • Week 4

    Applications of Big Data in Aviation Operation and Management

    • Application 1: pricing and personalised services

      The activity ​exemplifies the applications of big data in pricing and personalised services in the aviation industry.

    • Application 2: security checks and IoT usage

      The activity illustrates how big data is applied in security checks and IoT usage in the aviation industry.

    • Application 3: digitalisation

      The activity exemplifies the use of big data with reference to digitalisation in the aviation industry.

    • Application 4: maintenance and optimisation

      The activity illustrates how big data is applied in the areas of aircraft maintenance and operations optimisation in the aviation industry.

    • Summary of the week

      This activity gives you a brief summary of what you have learnt this week.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe what big data is
  • Explain the functionality of big data in the aviation industry
  • Identify the data sources of organisations
  • Summarise the characteristics of the aviation industry in digital transformation environments
  • Demonstrate examples of the technological opportunities to achieve positive big data applications in the aviation business, operation and management in digital transformation environments

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for professionals working in aviation and related industries who want to know more about the uses of big data applications in aviation business, operation, and management.

You will need some prior knowledge of aviation to get the most out of this course.

Who will you learn with?

The programmes are expertly led by Dr SM Lam, who serves as the Associate Head of the College of Life Science and Technology at HKU SPACE. Dr Lam holds a doctoral degree of philosophy (engineering).

An airline manager who is supporting the operational safety and risk management with data analytics. Worked in different areas including in safety management, fatigue risk management, etc.

Who developed the course?

HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

In fulfilling the mission of The University of Hong Kong in extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community, HKU SPACE aspires to be a world-class centre of excellence.

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