Online Microcredential in Nature & Environment

Climate Change Communication

Become an advocate for change as you gain the crucial communication skills to educate and inspire people to take climate action.

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Deakin UniversityDeakin University

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Enrolment closes soon! Join by 5 Apr 2024 at 00:00

Learn how to effectively communicate on climate change with Deakin University

Communicating well on climate change is an essential skill in our current world. If we are able to mobilise people to take climate action, we can accomplish the transformational change that’s so urgently needed.

This microcredential turns decades of research on effective climate change communication into useable strategies you can implement in professional and personal settings.

Guided by the experts at Deakin University, you’ll develop an advanced and practical understanding of the challenges we face in translating the problem of climate change for diverse audiences – and how we might address these challenges through better communication.

Develop best-practice climate communication resources you can use in your context

To help you develop practical skills, you’ll produce climate communication outputs for an assessment and gain expert advice and research-based learning from the unit teaching team.

This exercise will ensure you finish the microcredential with concrete, best-practice climate communication work which you can use in real-world settings.

Understand the basics of climate science

Learning the fundamentals of climate change is key in helping you to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively.

With contributions from an award-winning climate scientist, you’ll learn the basics of climate science to help you become climate literate.

With this understanding, you’ll then explore the role of communication in climate change response and how you can help to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis.

Delve into the human psychology behind communicating climate change

To help you understand why communicating climate change is so challenging, you’ll delve into human psychology and the concept of a ‘wicked problem’.

You’ll learn that because climate change is often invisible, complex, and ultimately, bad news it is difficult for people to engage with the topic. Through this exploration, you’ll learn how to overcome these challenges through techniques that will help you better understand your audience.

Develop your communication skills to inspire climate action

Finally, you’ll hone your communication skills to ensure better climate communication. Unpacking decades of research, you’ll learn the best practices for working with people to effectively communicate the urgency of climate action.

You’ll explore examples of where climate change communication is happening now, such as the media and social media, to understand where and how you can retrieve your information.

By the end, you’ll have the skills to inspire people to engage more effectively with climate change and take urgent action to combat its impacts.

How will this microcredential help my career?

Every professional role now needs to consider climate change in decision-making – meaning that many people now encounter the need to be effective climate communicators at work. This microcredential will enhance your existing professional capacity by upskilling you in best-practice climate communication.

The microcredential equally delivers the understanding and skills needed to set you on a new career path in communicating climate change.

Will I receive university credits?

This microcredential will not only give you the knowledge and skills to communicate climate change effectively, it also gives you 0.5 credit points towards a longer postgraduate degree at Deakin university.

You’ll receive a statement of completion from FutureLearn and a digital certificate from Deakin University.

How will I be assessed?

You’ll produce up to two pieces of best-practice climate communication, using principles learned in the microcredential. The assessment submission should address a current climate impact, mitigation strategy, or adaptation pathway. You can choose your own preferred medium and style for this part of the assessment.

You’ll also submit a short essay explaining:  the intended audience (and how this affects the choice of communication medium), the choice of climate change communication type, and discuss why these strategies are appropriate to the audience.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 0 seconds NICHOLAS: I was reading about climate change and hearing about climate change in the ’70s when I was little, and those conversations haven’t really shifted.

Skip to 0 minutes and 18 seconds GABI MOCATTA: Climate change is real. It is happening now, and humans are causing it. Despite these unequivocal findings of climate science, effectively communicating climate change and the need for urgent action in a way that serves as an impetus for real change remains largely elusive. But in fact, we know a lot about how we ought to be communicating on climate change.

Skip to 0 minutes and 48 seconds Welcome to this Deakin University micro-credential on communicating climate change. My name is Gabi Mocatta, and I’m a lecturer in communication specialising in climate and environmental communication at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. Tens of thousands of published studies and decades of research underpin our understanding of communicating about climate change. We can now define climate literacy and understand how crucial this is in raising people’s climate concern. We know a lot about what works for communicating climate change with some audiences, and we also know plenty about strategies that are counterproductive in the effort to galvanise climate action. It is these kinds of research insights with practical applications that can drive real world change that are at the heart of this course.

Skip to 1 minute and 36 seconds EMILY POTTER: There is a distinct genre of climate fiction known as cli-fi, that has been growing in prominence in the last 20 years.

Skip to 1 minute and 43 seconds LUKE HEEMSBERGEN: Using XR, we showed CO2 emissions as black balloons that drifted up into the city.

Skip to 1 minute and 48 seconds JOELLE GERGIS: I think of it as a collaborative opportunity between scientists and communicators to start telling better stories.

Skip to 1 minute and 54 seconds GABI MOCATTA: If you work in the communication industries, and you’re concerned about how best to convey to audiences these existential issues, then this course is for you. If, in your professional life, you are called on to communicate well in relation to climate change, this course will offer you up to date insights on how to do so. And if you’re an individual simply wanting to know how to talk about climate change with those around you, this course will help you do that in a research-informed way.

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds MASOUD: I usually talk to my friends– not just climate change, many things that concern on a global level.

Skip to 2 minutes and 26 seconds SUZY: Climate change scares me in a lot of ways.

Skip to 2 minutes and 29 seconds EESHAN: [INAUDIBLE] do not really talk about it.

Skip to 2 minutes and 31 seconds MADDI: I feel like it’s a bit out of our control in a way. We can do our little part, but–

Skip to 2 minutes and 34 seconds JOAO: I think it’s a problem that stays at the back of my head.

Skip to 2 minutes and 37 seconds EMILIE: I think it makes me feel aware.

Skip to 2 minutes and 39 seconds ROBERT: I’m optimistic about it because I can see the momentum that the next generations are making.

Skip to 2 minutes and 46 seconds GABI MOCATTA: Whoever you are or wherever you are joining us from, we think you’ll find ideas here that will inspire you to become a better climate communicator and ultimately to contribute to climate solutions.

What skills will you learn?

  • Climate change communication
  • Communication skills
  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Climate action

What you will achieve

By the end of the microcredential, you’ll be able to...

  • Identify and apply evidence-based climate change communication strategies appropriate to purpose and audience.
  • Recognise different audience types and tailor suitable/relevant climate communication to the chosen audience.
  • Create engaging, best-practice communication on climate change impacts, mitigation or adaptation, intended to catalyse action.
  • Identify the communication challenges inherent in the ‘wicked problem’ of climate change.

Are you eligible for this microcredential?

Everyone – and every sphere of work – is affected by climate change in some way. This microcredential provides diverse perspectives and possibilities for enhancing climate communication to make it more effective at catalysing change. You’ll also be able to use the research-backed climate communication pathways introduced in this microcredential in climate conversations in your non-professional life.

Is this microcredential right for you?

This microcredential is for professionals who want to understand the challenges and opportunities for better climate communication to help enable transformational change.


What happens before, during, and after your microcredential

  • Before learning

    You’ll have access to the welcome area to introduce yourself and familiarise yourself with the microcredential structure and course materials.

  • Course

    From 30 Oct 2023

    Climate Change Communication

    Build advanced and practical strategies to communicate the wicked problem of climate change with diverse audiences.

    6 weeks

    10 hours per week

  • After learning

    You’ll receive a statement of completion from FutureLearn and digital certificate from Deakin University.

What you will receive

0.5 Deakin Credit Points at Postgraduate level from Deakin University

You’ll receive a digital Credly badge worth 0.5 postgraduate level credits. With these credits, you can build towards a degree from Deakin University.

Find out how credits work and where you can use them in our FAQs.

A Digital Badge from Deakin University and Credly

image ⬅️ Click this image to see more information about the digital badge you will receive upon successful completion, validated by Credly.

Learn more about this organisation

Additional benefits

Complete your course within 6 weeks, including the assessment, or take extra time and use the regular assessment submission windows to complete within 20–26 weeks of your enrolment.

What is a microcredential?

Microcredentials are designed to upskill you for work in rapidly-growing industries, without the time and cost commitment of a full degree. Your microcredential can stand alone as an independent credential, and some also offer academic credit to use towards a degree.

Learn online with expert instructors

Complete online courses led by experts over multiple weeks with a dedicated group of professionals.

Complete project-based assessments

Test your understanding with online tutor-marked assessments and exercises.

Earn a professional credential

Finish your learning and pass your assessments to gain an accredited credential.

Advance further in your career

Use your microcredential as evidence of your specialised skills and progress further in your industry.

Career-focused learning by Deakin University

Deakin University is one of Australia’s largest universities with more than 61,000 students and over 15,000 online.

  • Established

  • Location

    Melbourne, Australia
  • World ranking

    Top 280Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

Delivered by experts

Dr Gabi Mocatta is a lecturer and researcher in Communication at Deakin University in Melbourne. Her research focuses on climate and environmental communication to enable transformational change.

Learning on FutureLearn

Your learning, your rules

  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

Join a global classroom

  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

Map your progress

  • As you work through the course, use notifications and the Progress page to guide your learning
  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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When would you like to start?

We aim to run our microcredentials every few months. Join on the date that suits you or register to hear about future runs and updates.

  • Join by 5 Apr 2024 at 00:00This microcredential started 30 Oct 2023

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We can accept payments made by card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express) or PayPal via our online system.

You will have 14 days from the day the course starts to apply for a refund. If this Microcredential has any non-refundable costs they will be stated in the ‘Overview’ section above. You can find more information in our cancellation and refund policy.

Microcredentials are designed to fit around your life and timezone.

There may be live events as part of your studies, but these will be recorded and can be watched afterwards if you aren’t online for the live broadcast.

No, microcredentials are designed to be taken anywhere in the world. You won’t need the right to study in the country where the university offering the microcredential is based.

Want to know more? Read the microcredential FAQs, or contact us.