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Climate Literacy and Action for All

Explore the best high-impact climate solutions available and embed them in your private and professional life.

644 enrolled on this course

hands holding a bright ball of leaves, with an overlay of icons signifying green actions

Climate Literacy and Action for All

644 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Gain the skills to choose the climate solutions with the highest impact

In the face of the environmental crisis, it can be easy to feel powerless. However, small changes can transform aspects of our lives and make a real impact. From the food we consume to the transport we use, we can help influence change in systems simply by changing our actions.

On this three-week course, you’ll learn how to become ‘climate literate’ to help you make climate-conscious decisions.

You’ll discover how to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of various human activities and gain the tools to choose climate solutions that have the highest impact, for everyone’s benefit.

Develop a basic understanding of climate justice

To help give you context, you’ll develop a basic understanding of climate change science and carbon storage, as well as climate justice and the related changes needed worldwide.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to explain climate change science and the best solutions to your colleagues, friends, and family.

Unpack decarbonisation and carbon sinks

You’ll learn how to take a systems approach and explore the decisions that need to be taken on a global scale, including the decarbonisation of society. You’ll delve into the greenhouse gas effects and carbon sinks to help you explore solutions relating to carbon emissions. This knowledge will help you look at how to influence the wider systems to reduce global warming and how to create your own action plan to do this.

Learn from the experts at Nottingham Trent University

Throughout the course, you’ll be guided by the specialists at Nottingham Trent University. By the end, you’ll have become climate literate and have the knowledge and tools to successfully communicate climate solutions.

Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Hello. And a very warm welcome to Climate Literacy and Action for All. My name is Petra Molthan-Hill and I’m a Professor at Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University, UK, and I am also leading CLT-ECOS climate action and literacy training, distributed worldwide. My name is Fiona Winfield. I’m a climate literacy trainer and I’m also, with Petra, joint author of The Handbook of Carbon Management. We’re here to guide you through each of the stages of this course. We’re going to start with looking at the bigger picture. We know that currently we’re heading towards a three degree Celsius increase and we really need to reduce that to 1.5 degrees.

Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds So what we’re going to cover lots and lots of solutions over the next three weeks, where we’re going to look at some of the things that we can all do in our own lives to reduce global warming. During the course, we will include quizzes and lots of other activities, and you will also have a chance to exchange ideas with your fellow learners. One of the things that I find very interesting is the fact that a lot of people feel that they can make very little difference and it’s just not worth doing anything because what can one person do? What we want to do is to challenge that.

Skip to 1 minute and 19 seconds We actually want you to see that even the slightest small change can make a difference and that all these little changes add up to a lot more. You may already have a good understanding of the topics, or it might be all totally new for you. Whatever it is, we really hope that you will find, the course, an inspiration for you.


  • Week 1

    Climate change - who can make a difference?

    • Introductions and welcome to the course

      In this first activity, the Lead Educators - Professor Dr Petra Molthan-Hill and Fiona Winfield - will introduce the course and explain what to expect.

    • Introducing Week 1

      We will start by looking at the bigger picture, and we will begin to see that there are lots of solutions out there already.

    • En-ROADS - where are we currently?

      We will start by looking at the bigger picture, to put climate change into context.

    • High-impact solutions - where can we find them?

      Lots of solutions exist already - we just need to understand them, put them into practice (and maybe encourage others to do likewise!). In this activity, we will start to explore some of them.

    • Multiple benefits - achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

      The SDGs are the 'Global Goals' adopted by the 193 members of the United Nations in 2015. They are all interlinked, and the member countries pledged to achieve them by 2030, in a bid to end poverty and protect the planet.

    • Recap of Week 1

      As we come to the end of Week 1, let's just check that everything is clear, and that you know what to expect from Week 2. We will also suggest a couple of extra activities you could do, if you are really keen!

  • Week 2

    Creating a positive future with the best climate solutions

    • Introducing Week 2

      We want to start by checking that everything was clear from last week. Then we will explain what we will cover this week.

    • Troubled and positive future

      We'll consider various scenarios happening now and what might happen in the future to lead us onto a troubled, or a positive future.

    • CO2e and calculations for food

      There are many factors linked to the sourcing and preparation of food that impact the climate, as well as the growing problem of food waste. We look at steps put in place by the NTU catering facility to minimise the impact.

  • Week 3

    Your Action Plan

    • Introducing Week 3

      In this final week, we will look at the greenhouse gas effect and carbon sinks. We'll move on to climate solutions related to buildings, embodied carbon and climate justice. We will also explain the Action Plan to you.

    • The greenhouse gas effect and carbon sinks

      We focus on the gases emitted by various processes that cause the earth to warm, and introduce 'carbon sinks' that reduce those gases in the atmosphere.

    • Building solutions and energy efficiency

      Let's find out more about what we can do to make our buildings more energy-efficient and maybe save money as well!

    • Embodied carbon and vulnerability

      As end users we may not realise the embodied carbon that products have incurred through production processes, and how our choices can make an impact.

    • Your Action Plan

      In this final activity, we will explain how to set up a Personal Action Plan, to help you make changes to your Carbon Footprint, and perhaps encourage others to join in.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe the bigger picture, but also feel able to make a difference.
  • Evaluate different climate solutions with regards to the impact they would have on reducing global warming.
  • Identify other benefits of these solutions, e.g. to health and well-being.
  • Calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of many human activities.
  • Explain climate change science and the best related solutions to your colleagues, friends and family.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in high-impact solutions to climate change.

Everyone needs to understand the climate crisis, therefore, we all need to be climate literate.

Who will you learn with?

Prof Dr Molthan-Hill is an international multi-award-winning expert for Climate Change Mitigation Tools/Education, Lead of CLT- ECOS, author 'The Handbook of Carbon Management. A Step-by-Step Guide'

Climate literacy trainer, with experience of academia and industry. Track record of successfully linking sustainability to employability. Co-author of 'The Handbook of Carbon Management'.

Who developed the course?

Nottingham Trent University

With over 40,000 students and staff spanning five university sites, Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is one of the largest and most influential higher education institutions in the country.

Nottingham Business School

Nottingham Business School’s (NBS) purpose is to provide research and education that combines academic excellence with positive impact on people, business and society.

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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