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Online Degree / Teaching
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MA Educational Leadership (Blended)

Enhance your understanding of the principles and actions that make an effective and authentic school leader, and build the practical leadership skills you need to help improve your school as an educational leader.

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  • Level

    Masters Degree
  • Duration

    2 years
  • Format

    Fully Online
  • Language


MA Educational Leadership (Blended)

  • Masters Degree (Postgraduate)

  • 2 years

  • Fully Online

  • Develop the skills you need to implement strong leadership in schools

    This degree is designed for educational leaders who want to improve the quality of leadership in schools and benefit from the leadership expertise of experienced head teachers.

    With access to practical mentoring from proficient, successful educational leaders, you’ll build the characteristics and skills of a strong school head.

    Become a more effective leader

    Strong leadership impacts the success of a school through making a difference to its culture, the wellbeing of staff and the quality of learning.

    The degree offers a principle-driven approach to successful leadership and aims to equip you with the leadership skills you need to efficiently lead a school with happy and productive staff and pupils.

    You'll have the opportunity to enhance your strategic leadership skills, identify your personal leadership style and learn how to apply it in practice.

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    You will typically have at least five years’ experience of teaching in primary, special or secondary schools in the state or independent sectors, in the UK or abroad. Experience in a leadership role such as headship, deputy/assistant headship, head of department, head of year or head of house is also essential.

    ##How much will it cost?

    This course has a UK fee and an International fee. The Admissions Team will carry out a fee assessment where appropriate, to determine which fee is applicable.

    UK students – £5000.00.

    The tuition fee for the course that is stated on the course webpage and in the prospectus will apply. If the duration of the course is longer than one academic year, we may increase the fee for each subsequent year of study but any such increases will be no more than inflation.

    Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, EU students should be aware that there may be a change to UK laws following the UK’s exit, this may change their student status, their eligibility to study part time, and/or their eligibility for student finance. We will act in accordance with the UK’s laws in force in relation to student tuition fees and finance from time to time.

    International students – £5000.00.

    The tuition fee that is stated on the course webpage and in the prospectus for the first year of study will apply. We will review our tuition fees each year. For international students, we may increase fees for each subsequent year of study but such increases will be no more than 5% above inflation.

    On successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

    • Understand the principles that define effective leadership and use personal skills to implement them.
    • Integrate effective leadership theory into your professional practice.
    • Lead with confidence, implementing a clear vision for your school and helping teaching and non-teaching staff embody your desired culture.
    • Formulate processes that meet the performance, observation, target-setting and discipline needs of your school.
    • Critically evaluate the teaching and learning practice in education to identify opportunities for development.
    • Communicate with confidence and impact with other senior leaders.
    • Seek progression in your career, through promotion or development in a leadership role.



    Action Research Project in School Leadership

    Available now

    Leadership of Culture

    13 May 2024

    Leadership of People

    13 May 2024

    Leadership of Teaching and Learning

    13 May 2024

    Leadership Theory

    13 May 2024

    Action Research Proposal

    MA Educational Leadership (Blended)

  • Masters Degree (Postgraduate)

  • 2 years

  • Fully Online

  • If you’d like to know more, please answer a few questions and Coventry University will get in touch with you with more information.

    What you’ll get as a degree student

  • Learn when you want by watching videos, reading articles, doing tests, and completing assignments online

  • Join online discussions and collaborate with your peers in a virtual study group

  • Enjoy discussions with feedback from expert educators

  • Get full access to the university library, online resources and support

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    Coventry University

    Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.