• University of Leeds

Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction

Critical thinking is a vital skill for university study whatever your discipline. Prepare for university now.

41,717 enrolled on this course

Critical Thinking at University

Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction

41,717 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Make sure you have the critical thinking skills required for university

Critical thinking is a vital skill at university and later in life. University study introduces you to new concepts, ways of learning and requires you to think critically. You need to know how to question information sources and how to evaluate different arguments.

Despite critical thinking being so important, students are often unprepared when they start their studies. This course will show you what critical thinking skills you need at university level, how they can be applied to different disciplines and how to use practical strategies to develop these skills for a successful academic life.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds At university, students are often introduced to unfamiliar subjects and concepts. And they need to use a variety of information sources. And often, they need to think really critically towards these sources and subjects. So students often tell us that the feedback that they receive from tutors is that their assessed work can be too descriptive and lack critical engagement. And knowing how to tackle this can be quite confusing and quite challenging for students. So what this course is trying to do is to give students a real sense of what it means to think critically at university. Why it’s so important to think critically. How might critical thinking be applied in different disciplines.

Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds This course is aimed at undergraduate students, and new taught post-graduate students who might be unfamiliar with studying at a UK university. But also, critical thinking skills are really valued by employers. So if you’re looking to evidence your critical thinking skills, then this will be a course that you will want to take. This course is a really practical guide to help learners develop their approach to critical thinking at university. And what makes it really unique is that it gives learners a really multi-disciplinary perspective on what critical thinking means. So learners will hear from academics and students from lots of different subject areas. Because whatever subject you study, critical thinking will be absolutely crucial to that discipline.

Skip to 1 minute and 32 seconds Join Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction.

What topics will you cover?

  • What is critical thinking?
  • A model for critical thinking
  • Why is critical thinking important at university?
  • Challenges to thinking critically at university
  • How can you improve your critical thinking?
  • Outcomes of critical thinking at university

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Reflect on your approach and ability to think critically
  • Explain what thinking critically means at university
  • Identify potential challenges to thinking critically at university
  • Develop strategies to improve your critical thinking skills

Who is the course for?

This course is for anyone preparing to study at university level or for current university students. You may be an undergraduate or a new taught postgraduate student who might be unfamiliar with studying in the UK. If you want to have a successful academic life, this course will give you the foundations whatever your discipline at university.

Critical thinking skills are also valued later life by employers, so if you want to refresh your skills, this practical online course is for you.

The course is part of the academic skills courses portfolio at the University of Leeds aiming to improve skills required for academic study.

Who will you learn with?

Michelle is an experienced learning developer, and an ALDinHE Certified Practitioner. Michelle is passionate about developing the academic skills and literacies of all students.

Hi, I'm Jiani, a learning developer and a Fellow of HEA from Skills@Library, University of Leeds. My passion is to help students develop their academic and information skills to succeed at university.

Who developed the course?

University of Leeds

As one of the UK’s largest research-based universities, the University of Leeds is a member of the prestigious Russell Group and a centre of excellence for teaching.

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