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Cybercrime Prevention and Protection

Investigate cybersecurity protocol and procedures, and examine the challenges faced when trying to protect online environments.

1,338 enrolled on this course

Hacker internet computer crime cyber attack network cybersecurity programming code password protection.

Cybercrime Prevention and Protection

1,338 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Explore the fundamentals of cybercrime, hacking, and network security

Over recent years, the number of online services for business and individual use has exploded and so too has the rate of cybercrime.

On this four-week course from the University of Liverpool, you’ll investigate how cybercrime has evolved in the online landscape and identify the types of cyberattacks. You’ll then assess what can be done to protect yourself across online environments.

Discover the role of an ethical hacker

The internet allows users from all over the world to connect, but this also opens us up to attacks.

You’ll explore the types of hackers, learning why they hack, and discovering how ethical hackers use hacking techniques to protect, rather than attack.

You’ll also examine the vulnerability management lifecycle and learn how to conduct vulnerability assessments; a vital, and underused, asset in organisational security procedure.

Learn the common attack vectors of wireless and mobile networks

Mobile devices and wireless networks are the most common way that users engage with the online environment so it’s vital to focus cybercrime prevention efforts in these areas.

Examining wireless local area networks (WLANs) you’ll use this knowledge to identify threats specific to wireless networks and the approaches needed when addressing mobile security.

Identify security issues for emerging technologies

As new and emerging technologies continue to advance online services, our understanding of cyber security must continue to evolve.

You’ll explore the implementation of services using the Internet of Things and 5G technology, identifying the potential vulnerabilities of new apps and services.

By the end of this course, you’ll understand cybersecurity measures used by individuals and organisations and be able to secure your networks and prevent attacks.


  • Week 1

    Cybercrime and the challenges for cybercrime prevention

    • Introduction

      An introduction to Week 1 of Cybercrime Prevention and Protection.

    • What is Cybercrime?

      In this activity, we consider what cybercrime is, and what cybercriminals do.

    • Types of Cybercrime

      In this activity, we explore the different types of cybercrime.

    • Challenges of Protecting From Cybercrime

      In this activity, we examine the technical, legal and operational challenges of protecting from cybercrime.

    • Conclusion

      We conclude Week 1 with a discussion, a summary and a look ahead to Week 2.

  • Week 2

    Fighting Cybercrime, Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

    • Introduction

      An introduction to Week 2 of Cybercrime Prevention and Protection.

    • Fighting Cybercrime

      In this activity, we look at how to fight cybercrime, including the use of encryption, digital evidence, and computer forensics.

    • What is a Hacker?

      In this activity, we examine the background of hackers, why they hack, and the types of hackers.

    • Vulnerability Management Lifecycle

      In this activity, we explore the vulnerability management lifecycle, an integral part of the security procedures of an organisation.

    • Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

      In this activity, we consider ethical hacking and penetration testing.

    • Conclusion

      We conclude Week 2 with a case study, a summary and a look ahead to Week 3.

  • Week 3

    Wireless Networks and Mobile Devices

    • Introduction

      An introduction to Week 3 of Cybercrime Prevention and Protection.

    • The internet

      In this activity, find out more about how different networks communicate through wired and wireless connections.

    • Protecting Wireless (WIFI) networks

      In this activity, we explore the specific realm of wireless networks and look at possible points of attack on them.

    • Protecting Mobile Devices

      In this activity, we identify specific attack vectors for smartphones and how to protect from these.

    • Conclusion

      We conclude Week 3 with a case study, a summary and a look ahead to Week 4.

  • Week 4

    Emerging Environments: The Internet of Things and 5G Technology

    • Introduction

      An introduction to Week 4 of Cybercrime Prevention and Protection.

    • Protecting the Smart Home

      In this activity, we examine the integration of IoT technology. IoT enables the automation of routine operations and maintenance in the home, but with it comes new risks and points of attack.

    • Emerging technology: 5G

      In this activity, we look at the emerging technology, 5G. We will consider what 5G is, its functional architecture.

    • 5G: Security, threats and challenges

      In this activity, we will look at potential security threats and challenges for 5G.

    • Conclusion

      We conclude Week 4 with a case study, a summary and a look ahead to possible next steps.

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify the definitions of different types of cybercrime and their consequences
  • Understand the challenges posed by cybercrime prevention
  • Identify a range of established approaches to Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of Wireless Networks, Mobile Devices, Internet of Things ecosystems, and 5G technology
  • Articulate the need for the use of specific methodologies for implementing security in Wireless Networks, Mobile Devices, Internet of Things ecosystems and 5G technology

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for those who want to further their understanding of internet security challenges, whether in a personal or professional capacity.

It’s particularly suitable for anyone considering a future career in cybersecurity, who wants to understand current risks, threats and responses.

This course would also be beneficial to those interested in how to take practical measures to secure their work or home environment, both on wireless or mobile networks.

Who will you learn with?

Senior Lecturer and Director of Online Learning at the Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK

Who developed the course?

University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool is ranked in the top 1% of higher education institutions worldwide.

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