• CIOB Academy

Diversity and Inclusion in the Built Environment

Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion to combat underrepresentation in construction and the built environment.

387 enrolled on this course

Female engineer directing her diverse team with architectural plan showing diversity and inclusion in construction and the built sector.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Built Environment

387 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Build a more equal and inclusive construction sector

To create buildings, spaces, and landscapes that meet the needs of all communities, we need a sector capable of understanding these needs. Research has shown that diverse organisations are more receptive and better able to innovate for their clients.

On this three-week course from the Chartered Institute of Building, you’ll understand the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the built environment, and learn what you can do to combat underrepresentation in the sector.

Understand the benefits of diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion does not only benefit individuals affected by underrepresentation. It can also help to drive an organisation’s creativity, productivity, and profitability.

You’ll start the course by exploring the benefits of widening representation. From business performance to ethical objectives, you’ll understand why diversity and inclusion matters for the built environment sector.

Examine barriers to representation in the built environment sector

Despite significant progress over the past two decades, the built environment sector remains a male-dominated industry, without consistent representation of all global communities.

In the second week of the course, you’ll consider the state of play for diversity within the sector. Examining current statistics, you’ll take a closer look at ongoing barriers to representation and inclusion.

Learn what you can do to make your own workplace inclusive

Once you’ve understood why diversity matters, you can begin reflecting on the best ways of promoting it. Building on practical case studies, you’ll discuss strategies for limiting bias and creating an inclusive workplace.

By the end of the course, you’ll be prepared to tackle underrepresentation in your own organisation.


  • Week 1

    What do we mean by Diversity and Inclusion and Why it is Important

    • Introduction and Background

      Details on how to make the most of the course content and its functions. Providing delegates with an understanding of how they will learn.

    • Importance of EDI

      Within this section we focus on how both diversity and inclusion help both businesses and the built environment prosper.

    • Wrapping Up

      As we come to the end of week 1, it is important to test your knowledge so far and briefly reflect on what has been covered.

  • Week 2

    Understanding the current challenges facing the built environment sector

    • Building a Picture

      In this week, we provide a picture of the current situation in the Built Environment sector, including the current costs related to under-representation, barriers to diversity and issues with the reputation of the sector.

    • Case Study

      A real life case study looking at the experience of someone in the sector.

    • Wrapping Up

      Quiz and Summary of the week.

  • Week 3

    How do we make the necessary change happen?

    • Promoting Change

      Importance of effective actions within a Company to promote inclusion and diversity.

    • Making a Difference

      Taking a look at how other companies have changed behaviour towards certain aspects of inclusion and diversity. Concluding with CIOB's diversity and inclusion charter.

    • Wrapping Up

      Finishing the course with a quick quiz and summary of the content covered within week 3.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Define what is meant by diversity & inclusion
  • Explain the benefits of a commitment to promoting inclusive practices in the built environment sector
  • Describe the extent of current underrepresentation and the increasing impact of the skills shortage
  • Explain previous initiatives to promote D&I
  • Demonstrate understanding of best practice and ‘what works’ in making change
  • Identify where to go for further support and information

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for professionals working at all levels and in any area of the built environment sector.

Learners just need an interest in learning more about diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to addressing underrepresentation within the industry.

Who will you learn with?

Who developed the course?

Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

Working with industry and for industry, CIOB Academy helps support your employees on their development paths and make sure your company meets industry demands now and in the future.

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  • Digital certificate when you're eligible

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  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 18 Apr 2024

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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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