Build the skills to increase your emotional intelligence, improve how you collaborate, and develop a mindset to innovate.

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3 hours
Emotional Intelligence in Practice
Discover techniques to develop your emotional intelligence
Studies have shown a high correlation between career success and emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient, or EQ). Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence is a set of skills that can be learned and developed over a lifetime.
On this four-week course featuring content from BigThink, you’ll learn from some of the experts in EQ such as Daniel Goleman, Alan Alda, Kelly McGonigal, and Brian Glazer, to name a few.
You’ll develop a foundation in EQ, delving into each of the four domains of emotional intelligence. You’ll also reflect on a variety of experiences and perspectives to develop your skills practically.
Explore the four domains of EQ
Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman defined the four domains of emotional intelligence as Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management.
You’ll explore these domains one at a time, building on each as you progress. You’ll learn strategies to effectively give and receive feedback, learn how your resilience can be contagious, and utilise the philosophy of servant leadership.
Develop and improve your self-awareness and self-control
On this course, you’ll build a foundation of self-awareness, exploring different ways to use your strengths, overcome your limitations, and create space between yourself and your emotions through reflective exercises.
Boost your relationship management and collaboration skills
Effective collaborating isn’t just about the skills and experience of a team; it also comes down to mutual respect and understanding.
This course will develop your social awareness, looking at how people see the world differently based on a variety of factors. You’ll then be able to apply this social awareness, along with self-awareness, to build positive, mutually beneficial relationships.
Week 1
Introduction to presence
Presence is a quality we admire in people and recognise as professionally beneficial, but what is it, really, and how do we perceive it in others?
Achieve and maintain presence
Continuing our exploration of how to define and perceive what presence is, achieving it yourself, and maintaining it even when faced with your biggest challenges.
Leadership and resilience
Over the next steps, Former Onyx CEO Tony Coles describes what servant leadership is, what it means and how it has influenced him. Author Kelly McGonigal shares how resilience is contagious.
Wrapping up self awareness
We have covered a lot of big topics, now let's consider how we can put them into practice to optimise our performance.
Week 2
Strengthen your emotional agility
Our decision-making, particularly in complex situations, is flawed and dependent on whether a project is driven by external or internal goals. What can we do to be better?
Difficult emotions and fear
Instead of “bottling” and “brooding” how can we learn to deal with difficult emotions and choose courage?
Introduction to social awareness: empathy
Over the next few steps, award-winning actor, author, and podcaster Alan Alda introduces you to the art and science of relating, focusing first on empathy.
Introduction to social awareness: communication
Over the next few steps, we continue to look at the art and science of relating, this time with a focus on communication.
Week 3
Social Awareness
This week we will be spending some time discussing effective leadership - in particular the strategies of fluency and flexing.
What divides us?
Let's touch upon what makes a good leader and specifically the ability to communicate with people who may think differently than they do.
Advanced social awareness
What's the difference between passing and covering? What is unconscious bias?
Re-envisioning inclusion
Let's explore what it means to practice inclusion.
Week 4
Relationship Management
Collaborate intelligently: our minds
It's easy to forget but people see the world differently based on individual preferences, as well as social and environmental factors. Let's explore this...
Collaborate intelligently: communication
Use attention cues and attention types to rethink how you communicate.
Giving and receiving feedback
There is a science to giving and receiving feedback. Successful feedback is not all down to the giver. There are three feedback types and three feedback reaction triggers.
Reflecting on the Course
We have reached the end of the course, let's take some time to think back over everything we have learned.
Learning on this course
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What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Develop awareness of your strengths, your limitations, and the values that define you.
- Explore ways to create space between yourself and your thoughts and emotions, to help boost self-control.
- Develop awareness of how people see the world differently based on individual preferences, as well as social and environmental factors.
- Apply strategies to communicate more effectively, with empathy and across cultural divides, especially in the workplace.
- Explore servant leadership and fluent leadership.
- Demonstrate a mind-share mindset.
- Practice strategies of social awareness, and relationship management in your work and personal life.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for current or aspiring leaders of any age looking to learn and apply the principles of emotional intelligence. It will be especially useful to anyone working in HR as EQ is vital for hiring the right people for your organisation.
While the course uses work-based tasks to help you use EQ in your career, the strategies and theories are also applicable to your personal lives.
What software or tools do you need?
The course contains a lot of video content, so a strong internet connection is required.
What's included?
This is a premium course. These courses are designed for professionals from specific industries looking to learn with a smaller group of like-minded individuals.
- Unlimited access to this course
- Includes any articles, videos, peer reviews and quizzes
- Certificate of Achievement to prove your success when you're eligible
- Download and print your Certificate of Achievement anytime
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- Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
- Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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- Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate
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