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How to Fundraise: A Guide to Fundraising for Non-Fundraisers

Get a practical guide to fundraising and learn tips on everything from preparing your fundraising story to processing donations.

10,871 enrolled on this course

How to Fundraise: A Guide to Fundraising for Non-Fundraisers

10,871 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Design a fundraising strategy to help your group or charity take the next step

On this course, you’ll get practical advice on how to fundraise whether you work for a non-profit or charity, or you volunteer in a community organisation.

Using evidence-based fundraising research, you’ll learn who gives, how they do it, and why they do so.

As you explore the fundraising process, you’ll build skills in fundraising management and learn how to create a fundraising strategy that works for your organisation.

The course will help you to take the next step in raising the money and support that your cause, charity, group, or non-profit organisation needs to thrive.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds Hello and welcome to this course. On understanding fundraising. I am Dr Leslie Albright and I’m a researcher here at the Center for Philanthropy at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom. I research gifting practices and fundraising in the not for profit sector and the charitable world. I also teach on our Arts and Science, a fundraising module that is part of our master’s in philanthropic studies. The aim of this course is to take the understanding and learning that we have gained about giving practices and fundraising here at the center of Philanthropy through a decade of research and engagement with charities worldwide, and help you develop your own unique fundraising plan that is suited to you and your organization.

Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds Whilst much of what we will discuss here has a uniquely British flavor, you will be encouraged to reflect on how the UK context mirrors your own situation. We will do our best to provide as many international resources and examples as possible, but we also urge you to share your own experiences through the forums and the opportunities to share. Over the next three weeks, you will be guided through a series of giving and asking and how to apply these to developing your own fundraising plan by the experts here in the Center for Philanthropy, as well as experienced practitioners in the field.

Skip to 1 minute and 27 seconds We will provide a range of resources that will help you hone your fundraising skills whilst you develop your own fundraising story and plan. You will be invited to share feedback and discuss your ideas and experiences at regular intervals. So please be assured that you won’t just be subject to us talking to you. But most importantly, we hope that you enjoy this course and that you are provided with the confidence to develop your own successful fundraising journey.

What topics will you cover?

  • Why and how people give to charity, as well as other sources of voluntary funding and how to access it.
  • How emotional and socially sensitive fundraising facilitates effective giving to your organisation.
  • Preparing your organisation or group to fundraise effectively – establishing how much time and money you will need and who will need to be involved.
  • Creating and communicating your own fundraising story.
  • Receiving donations and looking after your donors well.
  • Developing a sustainable, long-term fundraising plan suited to your needs.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify why and how people and groups would want to give to your cause or organisation.
  • Assess which methods of asking people to give are most suited to your organisation.
  • Explore how to be emotionally and socially skilled facilitators of giving to your organisation.
  • Develop your organisation’s stories in a way that will motivate people and groups to become loyal supporters.
  • Investigate how to sensitively and effectively manage the fundraising process including processing donations and managing data.
  • Design a fundraising strategy and plan that works for your organisation and be confident about what to do next.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone who would like to learn how to fundraise more effectively.

The course will be particularly useful for leaders and members of small charities or non-profit organisations, local branches of larger charities, volunteer-led groups and community organisations, as well as inexperienced or new fundraisers.

Who will you learn with?

Ali is Director of Studies for the MA in Philanthropic Studies at the Centre for Philanthropy. Her research focuses on voluntary action, donor socialisation and children's charities.

Beth worked as a fundraiser and charity manager for a decade before co-founding the Centre for Philanthropy in 2008 where she now leads a team conducting research and teaching courses on philanthropy.

Stuart is a fundraising consultant specialising in high-value giving (trusts, major donors and corporates) and faith based charities, and a current MA student at Kent University.

Who developed the course?

The University of Kent

The University of Kent, the UK’s European university, is one of the country’s most dynamic universities. Established in 1965, it now has 19,850 students studying at its various campuses.

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supported by

Pears Foundation

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