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Genomics in the NHS: A Clinician's Guide to Genomic Testing for Cancer (Solid Tumours)

Elevate your clinical career by developing your understanding of cancer genomic testing and how to support tests in the NHS.

1,026 enrolled on this course

A doctor wearing a green jumper and stethoscope in conversation with a patient

Genomics in the NHS: A Clinician's Guide to Genomic Testing for Cancer (Solid Tumours)

1,026 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Harness the power and potential of genomic testing for solid tumour indications

Free upgrade for UK NHS staff

A free upgrade for this course is available for participants employed by the NHS or affiliated organisations. You can register for this upgrade here, or see the eligibility criteria here.

The wide-scale availability of genomic sequencing in the NHS brings many possibilities for patients but means new concepts, systems, and processes for clinicians.

On this two-week course from NHS England, you’ll develop an understanding of the different types of genomic testing for solid tumours – from single gene tests to whole genome sequencing – and walk through the application of this testing in clinical practice.

Through interactive media, expert interviews, patient perspectives, and more, you’ll be guided through the cancer pathway to help you become confident in working with genomic tests.

Learn how to access the National Genomic Test Directory

You’ll start by exploring the UK’s cancer landscape to help you gain diverse insights from both patients and healthcare professionals.

You’ll also cover the multitude of test types available within the NHS and learn how to access them through the National Genomic Test Directory.

Explore the scope of genomic tests on offer

Next, you’ll look in more detail at the solid tumour pathway, including choosing the right test for the right patient at the right time as well as the process of ordering tests and acting on results.

Improve your cancer treatment with Health Education England

The course has been designed by expert clinicians and members of the NHS Genomics Education Programme.

Armed with their specialist knowledge, you’ll finish the course with the confidence to interpret and act on genomic test reports.

What topics will you cover?

• the genomic testing pathway for cancer (solid tumours), including how to choose the right test, completing the correct forms, what samples to take and where to send them and how to return results to patients; • the background of cancer testing within the NHS;
• how genomic testing is changing the clinical management of cancer patients;
• how to use NHS resources, including the National Genomic Test Directory; and
• the infrastructure of the NHS Genomic Medicine Service.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Evaluate the changing healthcare landscape in terms of the infrastructure surrounding, and democratisation of, genomic testing.
  • Identify when genomic investigations may benefit your patients.
  • Explain the scope of genomic tests on offer in the NHS Genomic Medicine Service, including when key tests may be used.
  • Navigate the National Genomic Test Directory and NHS GMS Signed Off Panels Resource to apply the most relevant genomic test(s) to your clinical case.
  • Identify and order the relevant genomic test(s) for your patient(s), using the correct forms and providing the correct samples.
  • Confidently interpret and act on genomic test reports you may receive from the laboratory, considering action for the whole family as well as the individual patient.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for clinicians involved in ordering genomic tests in the NHS, specifically relating to cancer.

It is especially beneficial for professionals who are less confident or familiar with the process.

Who will you learn with?

I am a Medical Oncology registrar with an interest in Cancer Genetics. I am keen to work on educational initiatives to improve the understanding of Genomics within the Cancer MDT.

I work as an Education Development Lead within the National Genomics Education team, NHS England. By background I am a doctor, specialised in clinical genetics.

I am clinical director/head of HEE's Genomic Education Programme and a consultant in clinical genetics/professor in clinical genetics and genomic education at St George's Hospital/University

I am a project editor in the Genomics Education Programme, specialising in multimedia, layout and graphic design for educational courses.

Who developed the course?

NHS England

The Workforce, Training and Education (WT&E) directorate of NHS England (NHSE) ensures the NHS in England has a sufficient and inclusive workforce with the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours to deliver compassionate high-quality health and care to the people it serves.

St George's, University of London

St George’s is the UK’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research.

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  • Digital certificate when you're eligible

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  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 11 Apr 2024

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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