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How to Use a Drone for Security Purposes

Learn the processes and techniques to utilise drone technology to assess, analyse, and manage security.

382 enrolled on this course

A drone at dusk in front of a city skyline

How to Use a Drone for Security Purposes

382 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Discover the best practices for drone security

Drone technology is becoming more and more relevant to the security industry.

On this six-week course from The Institute for Drone Technology, you’ll learn how to operate a drone for security purposes such as perimeter patrolling and security systems inspections and assessment.

Explore drone hazard identification and safety procedures

Before using drones for security, it’s important to understand how they work and what precautions you need to take for optimum safety.

This course will guide you through the hardware and software used in remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAs). You’ll then look at assessing and identifying hazards when using drones for security, and how you might manage and reduce any potential risks to improve safety.

Develop processes to analyse data from your security drones

Drones can be extremely useful for collecting a wide variety of data remotely. This can not only speed up a number of processes but also make any reports much more comprehensive and recommendations more accurate.

You’ll learn how to plan and perform data analysis using drones, from collecting data to interpreting and reporting that data to the best effect.

Learn from the experts at The Institute for Drone Technology

Drawing from their own experiences with security clients, The Institute for Drone Technology is uniquely positioned to teach you everything you need to know about using drones for security.


  • Week 1

    Introduction and context

    • Welcome to week 1.

      Introduction and context.

    • Identifying project scope

      Here we'll start to look at the basics of identifying the scope of a project, as well as some of the kinds of activities security operations are used to prevent or detect.

  • Week 2

    Hardware, software and hazards.

    • RPAS hardware and software.

      This activity will look at some of the hardware and software available for you to use when undertaking security patrols using a drone.

  • Week 3

    Data and Flight Planning

    • Software for analysis, collecting data to support analysis & mission planning.

      Here, we'll briefly examine software needed for different types of data collection, then we'll look at collecting data to support the planned analysis. Finally, we start to learn about mission planning.

    • RPAS flight planning.

      In this activity we'll be learning about planning a drone flight. This will include project briefing and purposes, stakeholders, and the scope of the flight. We'll then look at hazard identification and risk management.

  • Week 4

    Perform the mission and perform data analysis

    • On-site flight preparation.

      We'll be looking at what needs to be done to prepare for the flight at the actual site in which you are going to fly.

    • Perform the flight mission.

      In this activity we'll look at how to safely complete the flight mission.

    • Plan and perform data analysis.

      This section deals with analysis of the data gathered and the reporting methods that can be used to present the data.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Assess methods for collecting data for security purposes.
  • Design flight missions to collect data for security purposes.
  • Apply knowledge about data requirements for security drone operations in conducting flight missions.
  • Perform flight missions for security purposes.
  • Report on results of flight missions for security purposes.
  • Produce recommendations from data collected during flight missions.
  • Identify potential risks and hazards to flight missions and take actions to mitigate them.
  • Identify client requirements for flight missions.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in using drones for security purposes, whether for yourself or for third-party clients.

Who developed the course?

The Institute for Drone Technology

The Institute for Drone Technology helps ensure drone technology is integrated legally and safely. We provide Drone Training across Australia and the world.

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  • Digital certificate when you're eligible

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  • Access expires 25 Apr 2024

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