HSK 4: Chinese Language for Post-Intermediate
Develop intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language and gain the skills to complete the Chinese Proficiency Test at level 4.
Approx 20 weeks2 hrs per week

Enhance your Chinese language skills to prepare for the HSK level 4 test
This 15-week post-intermediate ExpertTrack from Chinese Plus will help you develop your Chinese language knowledge and take your skills to the next level.
You’ll complete all four courses to gain an excellent grasp of post-intermediate Chinese and successfully prepare for the HSK level 4 test.
HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), also known as the Chinese Proficiency Test, consists of six levels – HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI). It is an international standardised test of Chinese language proficiency.
Develop your skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Chinese
On this ExpertTrack, you’ll gain the tools and techniques to develop your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Through interactive courses, you’ll develop a well-rounded understanding of the Chinese language.
Enhance your career prospects with stronger Chinese language skills
Whether you want to work, study, or travel in China, this ExpertTrack will help you develop post-intermediate skills to communicate with ease.
Listening to conversations from native speakers, you’ll learn useful phrases and new language points to help you further your Chinese language skills.
Develop your understanding Chinese grammar and characters
To help ensure you can communicate useful information, you’ll learn more about fundamental sentence structure.
You’ll also develop your understanding of Chinese grammar to help you speak and write like a native.
Learn from the experts at Chinese Plus
Throughout the ExpertTrack, you’ll be guided by the language specialists from Chinese Plus.
With their expertise, you’ll finish with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take the HSK level 4 test.
Key skills you will learn
- Chinese language
- Chinese culture
- Chinese HSK 4 grammar
- Pinyin
- Chinese characters
- Intercultural communication
- Chinese phontic system
- Chinese daily conversation
- How to express your opinions in Chinese
Learning outcomes
By the end of the ExpertTrack, you’ll be able to...
- a good understand on Chinese grammar and sentence structure
- a good understanding of Chinese writing system, learn to read and write 800 Chinese words, be able to recognise 1200 Chinese characters
- with native speakers to communicate in a more complex situation
- the contemporary culture and life in China
- to successfully sit the Chinese Proficiency Exam HSK level 4
Experience required
This ExpertTrack is designed for anyone with experience in basic and intermediate Chinese. It is recommended that you have completed the HSK 3: Chinese Language for Intermediate ExpertTrack or that you have at least 90 hours of Chinese language experience.
Getting started
This ExpertTrack is designed for anyone interested in learning Chinese.
Whether for travel, career development, study, or just for fun, this ExpertTrack will help you build on your basic Chinese language competence and further develop your skills towards an intermediate level in an efficient systematic way.
ExpertTrack course overview
Course 1
HSK Standard Course Level 4: 4.1
Gain an intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language to build your confidence to take the HSK level 4 test.
5 tests
5 weeks
2 hours per week
Week 1
简单的爱情Simple love
- 孙月和王静聊王静的男朋友
- 王静跟李老师聊她要结婚的事情
- 高老师和李老师聊结婚后的生活
- 什么是浪漫
- 爱情与结婚
- Week 1 Summary
Week 2
真正的朋友 A true friend
- 小夏和马克聊马克的中国朋友
- 小李和小林聊同学聚会的事情
- 孙月和王静聊他们的朋友
- 每个人都需要朋友
- 什么是真正的朋友
- Week 2 Summary
Week 3
经理对我印象不错I've made a good impression on the manager
- 小夏和小雨聊小雨面试的情况
- 马经理和小林聊招聘的事情
- 小林和王静聊王静的工作情况
- 面试需要注意什么
- 给别人留下一个好的第一印象有多么重要
- Week 3 Summary
Week 4
不要太着急赚钱Don't be anxious to make money
- 小林和小李聊小李的工作
- 王经理和小李在说工作
- 王经理和马经理在说工作
- 按计划完成工作
- 年轻人不要太着急赚钱,重要的是丰富自己的工作经验
- Week 4 Summary
Week 5
只买对的,不买贵的 Buy the right, not the expensive
- 王静在家具店买沙发
- 王静和李进在商场买东西
- 李进和王静在超市买礼物
- 只买对的,不买贵的
- 网上购物
- Week 5 Summary
Course 2
HSK Standard Course Level 4: 4.2
Gain an intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language to build your confidence to take the HSK level 4 test.
5 tests
5 weeks
2 hours per week
Week 1
一分钱一分货The higher the price, the better the quality
- 张远和李进聊李进昨晚的购物经历
- 王静在商店买西红柿
- 李进在商场买行李箱
- 书店今天举行“购书送好礼”活动
- 便宜没好货,好货不便宜
- Week 1 Summary
Week 2
最好的医生是自己 The best doctor is yourself
- 小李和小林聊天气和身体情况
- 小夏和小雨聊小雨抽烟的事情
- 小李和小林聊电脑对身体的影响
- 什么才是健康
- 最好的运动是散步
- Week 2 Summary
Week 3
生活中不缺少美Beauty is not rare in life
- 李老师和高老师聊关于巧克力的事情
- 小夏和马克聊上次足球比赛的事情
- 马克和司机聊关于堵车的事情
- 选对心情,选对生活的态度
- 女孩子对衣服颜色的选择往往与他们的性格有关
- Week 3 Summary
Week 4
阳光总在风雨后The sun will shine again after the storm
- 王静和孙月聊孙月减肥的事情
- 李进和张远聊张远的成功经历
- 小林和小李谈王红的成功经历
- 别太看重结果
- 只有我们勇敢地面对困难,才能有希望取得成功
- Week 4 Summary
Week 5
幸福的标准Standards of happiness
- 孙月和王静聊王静的生活情况
- 高老师和李老师在谈幸福
- 小丽和小夏聊找工作的事情
- 幸福是什么
- 幸福没有标准答案
- Week 5 Summary
Course 3
HSK Standard Course Level 4: 4.3
Gain an intermediate knowledge of the Chinese language to build your confidence to take the HSK level 4 test.
5 tests
5 weeks
2 hours per week
Week 1
读书好,读好书,好读书 It's good to read; read good books and like reading
- 马克介绍自己学习汉语的方法
- 小夏和小雨聊考试的情况
- 小李告诉小林阅读的好处
- 怎样才能提高阅读能力
- 读书好,读好书,好读书
- Week 1 Summary
Week 2
用心发现世界Discover the world with your heart
- 王经理做生意遇到了困难
- 高老师告诉女儿洗衣服的方法
- 高老师学习王教授的教育方法
- 用语言把话说好是一门艺术
- 事半功倍和事倍功办
- Week 2 Summary
Week 3
喝着茶看京剧Drink tea while watching Beijing opera
- 小雨和小夏在聊小夏的爷爷表演京剧的情况
- 小雨和马克在聊京剧
- 李老师和校长在谈工作
- 筷子的历史
- 茶在中国的历史
- Week 3 Summary
Week 4
保护地球母亲Protect our Mother Earth
- 李进要出差,王静和李进在聊天儿
- 经理和服务员在谈工作
- 孙月和王静在聊关于环保的事情
- 购物时自备购物袋
- 保护地球环境,从身边小事做起
- Week 4 Summary
Week 5
教育孩子的艺术The art of educating children
- 李老师建议王静让孩子养成好习惯
- 王静建议孙月教育孩子学会安排时间
- 王静和孙月讨论表扬孩子的方法
- 怎样教育孩子
- 对不同性格的孩子要使用不同的教育方法
- Week 5 Summary
Course 4
HSK Standard Course Level 4: 4.4
Learn Chinese alongside experts in the field to help you build your skills to an intermediate level and achieve HSK level 4
5 tests
5 weeks
2 hours per week
Week 1
生活可以更美好Life can be better
- 小夏出国留学遇到了问题
- 王老板告诉李进自己成功的经验
- 小林不好意思拒绝朋友
- 不要把什么事情都推到明天
- 天外有天,人外有人
- Week 1 Summary
Week 2
人与自然 Humans and nature
- 小夏和安娜在聊天气
- 小林和小李在聊小李的狗
- 马克和小夏在聊动物
- 植物之间的竞争
- 美丽的海底世界
- Week 2 Summary
Week 3
科技与世界 Science, technology and the world
- 王静给孙月推荐一本书
- 李老师和高老师在聊电脑和互联网技术的发展
- 王静和孙月在聊关于梦的情况
- 现在人的生活已经越来越离不开手机了
- 现代科学技术的发展让世界变成“地球村”
- Week 3 Summary
Week 4
生活的味道Taste of life
- 马克申请下个学期继续在学校学习
- 王静做饺子时受伤了
- 安娜帮助马克练习舞蹈动作
- 租房子
- 打乒乓球
- Week 4 Summary
Week 5
路上的风景The view along the way
- 小张去北京,朋友送小张去机场
- 孙月和丈夫计划放寒假带女儿去旅行
- 安娜向马克介绍去丽江旅游的经验
- 中国南北的区别
- 湖南菜
- Week 5 Summary
Prove you're job ready
Highlight the new, job-relevant skills you’ve gained and supplement existing qualifications with a hard-earned, industry-specific digital certificate – plus one for every course within your ExpertTrack.
- Learn the latest in your chosen industry or subject.
- Complete each course and pass assessments.
- Receive certificates validated by the educating organisation.
- Impress employers with learning outcomes you can add to your CV.
- Make your career dreams a reality.
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How ExpertTracks work
Join an ExpertTrack to master new skills in your chosen specialist area. Work through a series of topic-focused courses at your own pace, and pass the final assessment to earn a digital certificate award which proves your expertise.
Decide if the ExpertTrack is right for you with free access to the full suite of courses and assessments for a week.
Pay a monthly subscription fee of $39 for as long as it takes you to complete the ExpertTrack. You can learn at your own pace and cancel at any time.
Receive a certificate for every completed course and pass the final assessment to earn a digital certificate.
Use your specialist training to progress further in your career or build expertise in areas you’re passionate about.
World-class learning with Chinese Plus
Chinese Plus lends support to domestic and foreign educational institutions, social organizations, and enterprises to take part in Online Chinese Class and set up localized platforms to conduct remote online Chinese education. It offers an all-in-one service package that includes online “teaching, learning, testing, and researching” as well as Chinese-centered online preparatory courses and “Chinese + vocational education” courses, among other services.
Beijing, China
Meet your instructor
has been teaching Chinese in the UK higher education for over 10 years. She has developed innovative learning methods and teaching materials during her teaching experience.
Learning on FutureLearn
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- Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
- Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
- Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores
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- As you work through the course, use notifications and the Progress page to guide your learning
- Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
- Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate
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- Complete online assessments to test your knowledge and prove your skills
- Earn digital course certificates and a final award that you can share online, with potential employers, and your professional network
- Keep access to the content of courses you complete even after your subscription ends
ExpertTracks are a series of online courses designed to help you master new skills in specialist areas. You pay a monthly subscription fee which includes access to all courses within the ExpertTrack, as well as assessments and the final digital certificate.
Each ExpertTrack comes with a 7-day free trial period. You may cancel your subscription at any time and your subscription will automatically cancel when you finish the courses and assessments in your chosen ExpertTrack.
Yes. All of our ExpertTracks come with a 7-day free trial. You may claim one free trial period per ExpertTrack.
You have seven days before you will be charged your first monthly subscription fee. When you join an ExpertTrack you automatically receive a 7-day free trial period. You can cancel at any time during the trial period and no payment will be taken from your account.
Please see our full refund policy here.
No, all of our ExpertTracks consist of fully online courses. This means you can take an ExpertTrack from anywhere in the world.
No. ExpertTracks are designed for you to master new skills in a specialist area. You will earn a digital certificate that proves your learning, but it does not carry accreditation.
If you’re looking for certified or accredited courses, many of our microcredentials offer university credit or professional certification.
Have more questions about ExpertTracks? Read the ExpertTracks FAQs, or contact us.