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Inclusive Mobility for an Ageing Population

Learn how to prepare cities to meet the needs of an ageing population while remaining inclusive and equitable.

Older man with vision impairment waits for a tram

Inclusive Mobility for an Ageing Population

  • 5 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Accreditation available

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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The CPD Certification Service

This course has been certified by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to continuing professional development principles. Find out more.

Understand how changing demographics affect urban development

The demographic of the world’s population is changing. By 2050, it is estimated that older people will make up 16% of the global population, rising from just 6% in 1990.

With many older people living in urban areas, we must develop age-ready cities that are both inclusive and equitable.

On this five-week course from RMIT University, you’ll understand what age-friendly cities entail as you explore the challenges of the ageing population in Europe and the implications this has on our urban spaces.

With this knowledge, you’ll learn to identify transport system changes that can support user-centric design to meet the needs of older people.

Explore transport and urban planning for accessibility and mobility

You’ll develop your knowledge of transport and urban planning to understand how it can be used to help aid accessibility and mobility for an ageing population.

Next, you’ll delve into travel patterns and behaviours, as well as age-friendly community plans, to ensure you are meeting the needs of older people.

Learn how to implement a user-centric design

To further understand your demographic, you’ll delve into the health, wellbeing, safety, and security considerations for older people.

You’ll unpack the concept of user-centric design and how the built environment can either act as a barrier or enabler for this.

Understand the role of urban mobility in creating age-friendly cities

Finally, you’ll delve into the frameworks, standards, and regulations for age-friendly cities as set out by WHO.

With this understanding, you’ll be able to identify the indicators of a healthy and age-friendly city and be able to make mobility inclusive and accessible for an ageing population.

Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Demographics and the change of demographics and urbanisation are two of the major trends shaping the 21st century, as the World Health Organisation have told us, and to be able to keep healthy for longer, one is to keep active and physically active and two is to be able to participate in society. For those two things, urban mobility is critical. Hi, I’m Marta Fernandez. I’m the executive director of RMIT Europe, and myself and Professor Carey Curtis are very excited to introduce to you this course on inclusive mobility for an ageing population.

Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds What we’re going to cover in this course is to start by looking at the demographic changes that are occurring in our cities, as life expectancy over the last 50 years has increased by 20 years. It’s a huge success story. But we must make sure that we design our cities so that the impairments that people start to experience as they age don’t act as a barrier to them being able to be included in day-to-day life in cities. We’ll look at some key concepts, such as active ageing and ageing as a lifelong process. We’ll move on in week two to look at how urban planning and transport planning can facilitate quality of life for older people.

Skip to 1 minute and 30 seconds Also, some examples of cities across Europe and beyond that are implementing some very innovative solutions. Lastly, we will also be learning about frameworks and regulation and standards that can help us drive the change that is needed. So go ahead, press that button, and Carey and I will see you for the start of week one.


  • Week 1

    Implications of ageing populations for cities

    • Ageing as a life long process

      Meet the teaching team and discover who you’ll be learning with as we start exploring the concept of ageing as a lifelong process.

    • The demographic challenge

      Explore the demographic, longevity and urbanisation trends in Europe and globally.

    • Active ageing

      Explore the concept of active ageing and the benefits of promoting active ageing.

    • Considerations for cities

      Identify the elements that need to be considered in planning and designing cities for ageing populations.

    • Weekly wrap

      Find out how you can apply the ideas and principles covered in Week 1 to your own locality, reflect on key ideas covered in Week 1 and find out what's on for next week.

  • Week 2

    Planning for accessibility and mobility

    • Urban planning

      Find out what's on for Week 2 as we begin to explore the role of urban planning for accessibility and mobility.

    • Transport planning

      Explore how the relationship between land use and transport create the conditions for mobility and accessibility.

    • Accessibility, mobility and universal access

      Investigate how age-inclusive participation in cities can be achieved by planning for mobility and accessibility.

    • Weekly wrap

      Reflect on key ideas covered in Week 2 and find out what's on for next week.

  • Week 3

    Designing for ageing populations

    • One size doesn't fit all

      Find out what's on for Week 3 as we discover how to include ageing adults and communities in the planning and design process.

    • Older peoples' needs

      Explore the needs of ageing populations for health and wellbeing as well as safety and security.

    • Built environment as a barrier or enabler

      Discover the ways the build environment can act as a barrier or enabler for the participation of ageing populations.

    • Weekly wrap

      Reflect on key ideas covered in Week 3 and find out what's on for next week.

  • Week 4

    Interventions that meet the needs of older people

    • Needs of older people in urban mobility

      Find out what's on for Week 4 as we begin to evaluate urban mobility interventions geared towards the needs of older adults.

    • Transport and mobility

      Investigate the different mobility contexts to consider for an ageing population.

    • Built environment, health and wellbeing

      How can changes to the built environment improve the health and wellbeing of an ageing population?

    • Social participation

      Explore participatory approaches to involve older people in inclusive urban design.

    • Weekly wrap

      Reflect on key ideas covered in Week 4 and find out what's on in Week 5.

  • Week 5

    Frameworks for age friendly cities

    • WHO's Age friendly cities

      Explore the eight interconnected domains that can help to identify and address barriers to the well-being and participation of older people.

    • Healthy cities indicators

      How do we measure how a city can impact the health and wellbeing for ageing populations?

    • Beneficial policy and regulation

      Explore examples that demonstrate how policy and regulation can influence the wellbeing of ageing populations.

    • Certification, data and your artefact

      What is the contribution of data driven initiatives such as the International Well Building Institute building certification?

    • Weekly wrap

      Reflect on what you've learned in this course and how you will integrate this into your professional practice.

Who is this accredited by?

The CPD Certification Service
The CPD Certification Service:

The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 and is the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • demonstrate an understanding of ageing as a life-long process
  • develop an understanding of how urban and transport planning can provide for the ageing population
  • evaluate the factors that influence travel behaviour
  • investigate strategies that support transport system changes for inclusion, considering all modes of transport
  • apply approaches to citizen engagement in urban development
  • explore on-ground implementation through specific case studies.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for those interested in or working in sustainable urban development and planning.

Who will you learn with?

I lead the European Campus of RMIT University, leverage the organisation's reputation to secure research funding and develop international experiences for students from Melbourne and Vietnam.

Carey Curtis is Professor of City Planning and Transport. She has published in the areas of travel behaviour, transport and land use planning, accessibility planning, transport policy and governance.

Who developed the course?

RMIT University

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is a global university, with over 80,000 students, specialising in technology, design and enterprise.

  • Established

  • Location

    Melbourne, Australia
  • World ranking

    Top 210Source: QS World University Rankings 2022

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019 we have been working to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more liveable places. We aim to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility. Co-funding of up to € 400 million (2020-2026) from the EIT, a body of the European Union, will help make this happen.

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