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An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Industry

Discover how artificial intelligence is set to shape the future of tourism, in this introductory tourism management course.

899 enrolled on this course

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An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Industry

899 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Get an introduction to the potential applications of AI in tourism management

We are in the midst of what commentators are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0.

This describes the advent of new technologies that are set to irreversibly change working practices across sectors. Chief among these technologies are artificial intelligence and machine learning. These changes will almost certainly have a profound effect on the future of tourism.

This tourism management course offers an introduction to artificial intelligence, and considers how it will affect the tourism industry.

Explore applications of AI in the tourism industry, such as generative AI

You will gain a broad understanding of how AI and machine learning work, and learn to distinguish fact from fiction. You will consider the latest trends and developments, considering real-life artificial intelligence use cases. You will also consider key questions around AI ethics, addressing the common and valid concerns that come with these new technologies.

With this introduction to AI, you will begin to understand the potential applications of AI in the tourism industry. This will empower you to shape its future.

Shape the future of tourism

This tourism management course does not require any prior technical knowledge of artificial intelligence or computer programming. It is aimed at tourism industry professionals, with a stake in the future of tourism.

It is designed and delivered by leading artificial intelligence experts at the Luleå University of Technology.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Almost all companies today use artificial intelligence in at least some capacity. But why?

Skip to 0 minutes and 16 seconds Is it possible for AI and machine learning to take a tourism company to the next level? And why is it so important to think about ethics when applying AI to your offerings?

Skip to 0 minutes and 29 seconds Luleå University of Technology would like to present the course an introduction to artificial intelligence in the tourism industry.

Skip to 0 minutes and 38 seconds An online course that provides an overview of the different applications of AI technologies and how to protect them onto the tourism sector. It will take you about 10 hours to complete. You will get insight about how other companies have been using artificial intelligence in their businesses. With the knowledge and understanding you gained from the course, you will be able to start taking your business to the next level. Learn with our top experts as they share different perspectives on how AI can help your business succeed.

Skip to 1 minute and 16 seconds Join now and start thinking how AI can boost your company. You’ll find the course on futurelearn.com

Skip to 1 minute and 26 seconds So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.


  • Week 1

    Introduction to AI

    • Welcome to the course

      Welcome to the course An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism. In this week, we present artificial intelligence and the history of AI.

    • An introduction to AI

      What is and what is not AI? Also included here is a short history of AI.

    • Definition of AI

      An explanation about how experts define AI

    • Levels of AI and Quantification

      We go through the levels of Intelligence and explain the differences between strong AI and weak AI.

    • Environments and agents of AI

      An introduction to different types of AI environments and agents.

    • End of Week 1

      A summary of the week

  • Week 2

    Components of AI

    • Welcome to Week 2

      In Week 2, we are going to talk about all the important components of AI. We will cover topics like Machine Learning, Reasoning, and Robotics as well as discuss ethics in AI and how to apply it to the Tourism sector.

    • Major fields and application in AI

      An examination of the sub-areas of AI as per the European Union Expert Report: machine learning, reasoning and robotics.

    • Classification of AI

      We talk about classification, in general, as well as clustering and how to apply it to AI.

    • Application of AI

      We talk about general application of AI such as speech and translation.

    • AI in tourism

      We give recommendations for the tourism sector and talk about online customer service.

    • The ethics of AI

      In this section, we will discuss ethical concepts and the ethical requirements in AI.

    • End of course reflection

      We look back at the course and reflect on what we have been learning.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Understand what AI is, use cases, and how it is transforming our lives.
  • Explore how AI can be applied in tourism.
  • Describe issues and ethical concerns surrounding AI.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding and knowledge regarding the components of AI such as identified theories of machine learning.
  • Explore basic machine learning methods, such as neural networks, clustering methods, and classification methods.

Who is the course for?

This tourism management course is aimed at industry professionals who want to understand the applications of AI in the tourism sector. It would also suit tourism students and academics.

No prior technical knowledge of artificial intelligence is required.

Who will you learn with?

Marcus Liwicki is a chaired professor at Luleå University of Technology. His research interests include machine learning, pattern recognition, and applied AI

I am a PhD student at LTU with teaching experience in educational institutions.
The thing I like most about teaching is my students, I love interacting with them. I am also always eager to learn.

I am a senior lecturer at LTU with a good experience in industry. Personally, I believe that learning gives best results when it is more independent and discovery oriented

I am a postdoctoral researcher at LTU. I like teaching and research. I am always happy to connect with students and researchers. I believe that collaboration is the key to the welfare of society.

Who developed the course?

Luleå University of Technology

The Luleå University of Technology mission is to shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Located in the arctic region, the university creates global societal benefit.

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