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Introduction to Indie Games

Explore the thriving independent video games industry, and develop the skills to kickstart your career in the sector.

7,153 enrolled on this course

Icons: Games console and two people using a laptop

Introduction to Indie Games

7,153 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Learn how great indie games are made and what it takes to work in the industry

The video games sector is booming, employing more than 16,000 people in the UK. Moreover, 99.5% of all UK games companies are small and medium-sized independent enterprises.

On this course, you will explore the thriving independent games sector. You’ll examine its cultural and economic importance, meeting and learning from the creators and teams who make the games you love.

You will develop an understanding of what indie games are, how they’re made, the skills required to work in the industry, and how you can go about developing these skills in order to launch your own career in the sector.

Featured in the UK government’s The Skills Toolkit collection.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds It takes a visionary to combine creativity and technology. They can transform a simple idea into something new and valuable. Creativity provides the spark, and technology makes the difference. But where will our creativity and technology take us? Will technology affect how and what we create? And will creativity help us get the best out of new technologies? This new range of courses from the Institute of Coding brings together artists, programmers, technologists, and engineers to showcase the innovations, people, and practise of creative technologies. Brought to you by UAL Creative Computing Institute and Lancaster University, a practical guide to essential creative technologies will introduce you to rapidly changing creative spaces and the skills you need to succeed in them.

Skip to 1 minute and 12 seconds Explore courses in creative AI and accessible design, chat bots and conversational interfaces, indie gaming and physical computing, virtual and augmented reality. Discover new skills and be inspired by new voices. Whether you’re looking to apply existing skills in fresh ways or step into something new, expand your understanding of where technology can take you. Join us and discover a world of essential creative technologies.


  • Week 1

    Exploring indie games and the industry

    • Welcome to the course

      Thanks for joining this two-week introduction to indie games course. In these steps, we will preview what we will cover on this course and get you started with some interesting information about the games industry.

    • Games studios and independent design

      These steps explore the culture of independent games and look at the rise of gamification and game culture in wider society.

    • Why do independent games matter?

      In these steps, we will meet game makers, and explore the issues that drive them.

    • End of the week

      Let's round out week one of the course.

  • Week 2

    Developing the skills and knowledge for a future in games

    • Welcome back

      Thanks for joining us for Week 2 of our introduction to indie games.

    • Indie games and pitching ideas

      Indie games often distinguish themselves by reflecting life and culture. In these steps we will look at games that do this and also explore what it takes to build a pitch for a game.

    • Understanding roles and skills

      We explore some of the disciplines and skills needed for working in the indie games sector.

    • Facing the future and new ideas: How might the industry evolve?

      Where is the gaming industry headed and what can we expect to see in the future? In these steps, you will also get a chance to develop an idea of your own.

    • Next steps

      We finalise week two and get you thinking about where you might head next for further information.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe the characteristics and definitions of an indie game.
  • Summarise the process of making a game and understand the elements needed to create a game pitch.
  • Compare different indie games and gain an understanding of different styles of gameplay.
  • Explain the various funding models that can be used to finance an indie game project.
  • Identify the skills required to work in game design or game development.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning more about the independent games industry, whether you’re a gamer, or someone looking for a career in the sector. You might also be interested in the other courses in the Essential Creative Technologies collection from UAL Creative Computing Institute, Lancaster University and the Institute of Coding.

What software or tools do you need?

To take part in this course you need a laptop or tablet device with an access to the internet.

Who will you learn with?

Mick Grierson is Professor of Creative Computing at UAL Creative Computing Institute.

Who developed the course?

UAL Creative Computing Institute

The UAL Creative Computing Institute (CCI) offers innovative new courses, research opportunities and a public platform to explore computer science and creative practice.

Institute of Coding

The Institute of Coding is a family of learners, businesses and educators creating a new way to develop the digital skills needed at work and beyond.

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  • Access expires 11 Apr 2024

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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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