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Islamic Calligraphy: An Introduction to the Art of Handwriting

Understand the basics of Islamic and Arabic calligraphy and develop your calligraphy skills.

9,782 enrolled on this course

Islamic Calligraphy

Islamic Calligraphy: An Introduction to the Art of Handwriting

9,782 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Try your hand at Islamic calligraphy and learn its history

Islamic calligraphy has long been admired for its beautiful form and line work. As an art form it actually includes various other types of calligraphy including Arabic, Persian and Ottoman.

In this course you’ll learn and practice basic lettering by completing a series of basic writing exercises. You will also learn about the writing tools used in Islamic calligraphy. By practicing and exploring the history of Islamic calligraphy you will develop a greater understanding and appreciation for this striking art form.

Skip to 0 minutes and 12 seconds Assalamualaikum. My name is Anis Amni Binti Rohime. Welcome to the Introduction to Islamic Calligraphy. Throughout this course, you will be introduced to the beauty of Malay calligraphy, which is basically a modified form of Islamic calligraphy. Confused? Don’t be — it is actually quite simple. Generally speaking, the Malays follow the Islamic faith, and Malay cultures are very influenced by many aspects of Islamic philosophies. This is especially apparent in visual art forms such as calligraphy, which you will learn about here. This course is designed for those with an interest in this art, but have never tried learning its finer points.

Skip to 1 minute and 3 seconds As part of this course, you will learn about the background of islamic calligraphy, and some basic techniques on how to write your own. We will be covering four learning outcomes.

Skip to 1 minute and 14 seconds By the end of the course, you will be able to: First, introduce the concept of calligraphy Secondly, explain the history of calligraphy Thirdly, identify the types of calligraphy and lastly, demonstrate the finesse of calligraphy writing according to the right methods. Come and join us on this interesting journey to gain new knowledge and skills.


  • Week 1

    Introduction to Islamic Calligraphy

    • Getting Started

      Learn how to use FutureLearn, meet your Islamic calligraphy tutors and find out what's coming up in the course.

    • Introduction to Islamic Calligraphy

      Learn about the existence of Islamic Calligraphy and get to know its types.

    • Gallery

      Dr Nor Azlin Hamidon Biography and painting gallery.

  • Week 2

    Basic essentials of Islamic calligraphy

    • Essential tools for Islamic calligraphy

      Learn about the important tools in Islamic Calligraphy and a basic technique on how to prepare your own pen.

    • Basic Calligraphy Writing

      This activity will guide you to basic Riq'ah Writing. This involves the correct letter measurement and position of letters above and below the baseline.

  • Week 3

    A Practical Guide to Islamic Calligraphy

    • Start Your Own Calligraphy Writing

      In this week, you will learn on how to write basic arabic characters in Riq'ah form.

    • Writing in Riq'ah

      Writing in Riq'ah

    • Riq'ah Calligraphy: Writing Demo

      Riq'ah Calligraphy: Writing Demo

    • Feedback & Suggestion

      Please comment on the course run and any suggestion for our improvement.

    • Join our University

      Would you like to learn more about Malay Studies? Come join us at the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explain the concept of writing and the history of calligraphy
  • Identify types of calligraphy and artefacts related with calligraphy
  • Assess the art of calligraphy in terms of contextual and aesthetic values
  • Demonstrate the finesse of calligraphy writing according to the right methods

Who is the course for?

This course is for anyone who love history, interested in the art or handwriting. You don’t need any previous experience.

What software or tools do you need?

To take part in this course you will need a basic set of suitable pen for calligraphy, bamboo, knife, ink, inkwell and 120 gm glossy papers.

Who will you learn with?

(Lead Educator)
Head of Malay Socio-culture/ Malay Arts Department at Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya. Specialized in History of Art, Islamic Calligraphy and Visual Arts.

Academic at the Department of Malay Socio-culture/ Malay Arts, University of Malaya, with specialization in Malay Architecture and Malay Carving.

Academician at the Department of Malay Socio-culture/ Malay Arts, University of Malaya, with specialization in Malay Arts and Arts Management.

Academic at the Department of Malay Socio-culture/ Malay Arts, University of Malaya, specialization in Multimedia and Animation Studies.

Who developed the course?

Universiti Malaya

Universiti Malaya is the premier research university in Malaysia, committed to advancing knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity.

  • Established

  • Location

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • World ranking

    Top 60Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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