This course is part of the Spanish 1: Spanish for Beginners ExpertTrack
Learn Spanish 2: People and their interests
Develop your knowledge of the Spanish language to help you follow basic grammar rules and communicate different topics.

4 weeksWeekly study
5 hours100% online
How it worksIncluded in an ExpertTrack
Course 2 of 2
Learn Spanish 2: People and their interests
Expand your Spanish vocabulary to have richer conversations
This second and final course of the Spanish 1 ExpertTrack will help you build on your language skills to take your Spanish to the next level.
Over four weeks, you’ll learn how to start expressing likes and dislikes, both in writing and speaking Spanish.
As you expand your knowledge of the Spanish language, you’ll grow your confidence in not just communicating essential phrases but also holding a conversation and showing off your personality.
Understand the rules of Spanish grammar
To develop your language skills, you must be able to use certain grammar aspects.
You’ll explore simple present tense, interrogative words, time adverbs, and more to help you communicate complex sentence structures.
Start to transition to intermediate Spanish
With your grammatical knowledge, you’ll be ready to tackle more intermediate Spanish such as describing present actions, routine activities, and what you like to do in your spare time.
You’ll also be able to recognise different vocabulary including describing clothes, professions, and regions of a country.
Learning from the experts at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, you’ll finish the course with the opportunity to demonstrate your skills with a written piece and oral presentation, which will be graded by your peers.
Week 1
Week 1
My daily routine / Mi rutina diaria
Here you will learn some basic elements of Spanish that will help you take the first steps in the learning / Aprenderás algunos elementos básicos del español que te ayudarán a dar los primeros pasos en el proceso de aprendizaje
Week 2
Week 2
¿Qué te gusta?
Here you will learn how to express what you like and recognize the use of grammatical elements / Aquí aprenderás a expresar lo que te gusta y reconocerás el uso de elementos gramaticales.
Week 3
Week 3
¿Qué hay?
Aprenderás a usar el verbo haber, reconocerás algunos elementos gramaticales e identificarás las regiones de un país. You will learn how to use the "haber" verb, recognize grammar elements and will identify the country's regions.
Week 4
Week 4
¿Qué profesión tienes?
You will identify the names of professions, recognize body parts and the vocabulary used for clothing / Identifica los nombres de las profesiones, reconocerás las partes del cuerpo y el vocabulario usado para las prendas de vestir
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What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Recognize how to express likes and dislikes.
- Recognize how to use the following grammar aspects: simple present tense (regular verbs), interrogative words (qué, cómo, dónde, etc.), the verb Gustar, time adverbs, conjunctions y (e), o (u), pero, gradatives: muy, bastante, un poco, adverbs también and
- Recognize how to use the following vocabulary aspects: numbers, professions, parts of the body, clothes
- Describe present time actions: routine activities and free time activities
- Describe places: regions of a country
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone interested in learning Spanish.
It will be most useful for learners who have already completed the first course in the Spanish A1 ExpertTrack.
Who will you learn with?
Hola. Soy Gustavo Jaramillo Cardona, profesor de español en el Centro de Lenguas de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín. ¡Mucho gusto!
Soy Jorge Estupiñán, profesor de español del Centro de Lenguas de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
Who developed the course?
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), located in Medellín, Colombia, is a highly recognized institution not only in the city, but also in the country due to its high-quality accreditation awarded by the Colombian Ministry of Education.
UPB promotes integral development of human being as an ethical, social, rational, religious, artistic person, who gives a humanist sense of the environment through a process of continuous improvement.
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