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Metaverse and Virtual Reality

Develop your understanding of the metaverse and its technologies to learn how to use them to your advantage.

666 enrolled on this course

Two men facing each other wearing virtual reality glasses.

Metaverse and Virtual Reality

666 enrolled on this course

  • 6 weeks

  • 1 hour per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Gain a solid introduction to the metaverse

The metaverse is redesigning the future of the internet in a 3D virtual world. But what exactly is the metaverse, and who are key players in it?

On this six-week course, you’ll answer these questions and more as you explore the opportunities and challenges in the metaverse and what businesses can do to enter this era.

You’ll analyse the metaverse from various dimensions such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality, Web3/NFT, and virtual amusement parks.

Through this exploration, you’ll learn how to design effective marketing campaigns or design innovative applications for the metaverse.

Develop your understanding of communication technology

You’ll start by learning more about the unique traits of virtual reality and the fascinating phenomenon of the proteus effect.

Next, you’ll discuss whether the metaverse can be used for social good, such as promoting health and exercise.

Discover VR applications

You’ll explore the general trends in virtual reality to unpack which trends you might like to invest in and explore more.

To help you decide, you’ll delve into the various applications of VR to understand how it is used. This includes industries such as entertainment, healthcare, and the military.

Explore marketing in the metaverse and NFT marketing

Finally, you’ll discover what marketing in the metaverse looks like.

You’ll understand what makes effective NFT marketing, brands marketing in the metaverse, as well as AR games and filters.

Guided by industry experts, you’ll finish the course with a solid understanding of the metaverse and the technologies within it.

Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds What is metaverse? How much do we understand this buzzword? Some said that the metaverse has mixed the boundary between reality and virtual worlds and creates various business opportunities How does metaverse influence our lives and what are the applications? We will understand and explore the opportunities from this class Hi everyone!

Skip to 0 minutes and 30 seconds I am JihHsuan Tammy Lin (林日璇) I am a distinguished professor in College of Communication at National ChengChi University I am also an associate editor of the top communication journal Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication I received the first HTC vive globally in 2016 I study human’s well-being through metaverse and communication technology such as virtual reality and digital games I have received the Excellent research award and Da-You Wu research award from Taiwan National Science and Technology Counsel I also received the competitive global award from Meta to study the safety and boundary in virtual reality I gave talks in Economist Impact to discuss virtual governance in metaverse In this class, we will discuss the innovation brought by virtual reality and its unique traits We will also discuss how VR is applied to medical industry in marketing, and in innovating areas So, in this class, I will focus on the following First, we will understand how VR can change how human interact with each other and influence our work and society Second, we will learn the unique traits of VR from the academic literature and industry innovations Third, we can design content and applications in metaverse using VR If you are a senior high school students or college students this will be the course you cannot miss If you have a job now, this is the most valuable course that you can directly apply what we learn to your industry! You can easily employ VR traits to design effective metaverse content and innovations I am Jih-Hsuan Tammy Lin (林日璇) Come join us in the metaverse to see the future!


  • Week 1

    A wide spectrum of interpretation on Metaverse

    • What is Metaverse?

      With various introductions and overviews of Metavese, learners can follow the instruction's step to enter the world of Metaverse.

    • Applications in Metaverse

      With various introductions of applications, learners will be better able to realize the current applications in Metaverse.

    • Finance & Banking Applications in Metaverse

      With various introductions of applications, learners will be better able to realize the finanical and banking applications in Metaverse.

    • Web3 and NFT

      With introductions of Web3 and NFT, learners will be better able to realize the web3 and NFT.

    • NFT in Marketing

      With introductions of various applications in NFT marketing, learners will be better able to explore this area.

    • Token-Gated Commerce

      With introductions of Token-Gated Commerce, learners will be better able to explore this area.

  • Week 2

    VR affordances and Proteus effect

    • Unique Traits of Virtual Reality

      With introductions of unique traits of Virtual Reality, learners will be better able to explore this area.

    • Proteus Effect

      With introductions of Proteus Effect, learners will be better able to identify and learn about Proteus Effect.

    • Embodiment for Social Good

      With introductions of embodiment experiements, learners will be better able to realize how to utilize embodiment for social good.

    • Embodiment for Health Persuasion

      With introductions of embodiment experiments, learners will be better able to realize how to utilize embodiment for health persuasion.

    • Embodiment for Exercise Persuasion

      With introductions of embodiment experiments, learners will be better able to realize how to utilize embodiment for exercise persuasion.

  • Week 3

    Metaverse: Meta versus HTC

    • Metaverse in Meta—Horizon

      With introductions of Horizon, learners will be able to realize the Metaverse applications by Meta.

    • Meta Technology— AI and Sensory

      With introductions of Meta technology, learners will be able to learn about how AI and sensory applied by Meta.

    • Exercise Applications in VR for Meta

      With introductions of VR exercise applications from Meta, learners will be able to realize the current VR exercise applications from Meta.

    • Meta Hardware

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to classify the hardware appliced by Meta.

    • Metaverse in HTC

      With the introductions, learners will be better able realize the developments of Metaverse in HTC.

    • HTC in ART and Real-Estate Applications

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to realize the current applications in art and Real-Estate by HTC.

    • Comparisons of HTC and Meta

      With the comparisons of HTC and Meta, learners will be better able to classify the strategies and differences between HTC and Meta.

  • Week 4

    VR applications

    • General Trends in Virtual Reality

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to realize the general trends in Virtual Reality and explore more in this area.

    • VR Applications

      With the introductions of VR applications in training and military, learners will be better able to realize and explore more.

    • VR Applications in Entertainment

      With the introductions of VR applications in entertainment, learners will be better able to realize and explore more.

    • VR Applications in Health Care

      With the introductions of VR applications in health care, learners will be better able to realize and explore more.

    • VR Applications in Education

      With the introductions of VR applications in education and other fields, learners will be better able to realize and explore more.

    • Framework of VR Applications

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to utilize the framwork of VR applications.

  • Week 5

    Marketing in the metaverse: a framework and VR

    • Brands Marketing in Metaverse

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to realize the brands marketing in VR and Metaverse.

    • Marketing in Metaverse: AR

      With the introductions of AR marketing applications, learners will be better able to realize and explore more.

    • Marketing in Metaverse: Perfect Corp.

      With the introductions of Perfect Corp, learners will be better able to realize this AR beauty tech from Taiwan.

    • AR Games

      With the introductions of current applications in AR games, learners will be better able to realize and try to design one.

  • Week 6

    Marketing in the metaverse: AR and virtual amusement park

    • Virtual Theme Parks: Fortnite

      With the introductions, learners will be able to realize the developments and applications of this Virtual Theme park, Fornite, and explore more.

    • Virtual Theme Parks: Roblox

      With the introductions, learners will be able to realize the developments and applications of this Virtual Theme park, Roblox, and explore more.

    • Virtual Theme Parks: others

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to explore and realize more practices in virtual theme park.

    • Osense Space

      With the introductions of Osense Space, learners will be better able to realize and utilize these technologies to think of better buiness model.

    • Brands Marketing in Metaverse

      With the introductions, learners will be better able to realize and explore brands marketing cases in Metaverse.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Apply related concepts or applications in Metaverse.
  • Interpret definitions, global trends and developments in Virtual Reality and Metaverse.
  • Design future Metaverse applications by employing Virtual Reality.
  • Interpret the traits of virtual reality and the innovations from the academic researches.
  • Demonstrate how Virtual Reality can be implied to our society.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for anyone interested in the development and application of the metaverse and virtual reality.

Who will you learn with?

Tammy JihHsuan Lin is a distinguished professor in the College of Communication at National ChengChi University in Taiwan. She also serves as the Associate Editor of JCMC.

Who developed the course?

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)

National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan consistently ranks as one of the premier universities in East Asia.

  • Established

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  • World ranking

    Top 170Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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