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The New European Bauhaus: Concept, Movement, and Opportunities

Discover how the New European Bauhaus is creating beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive places, products, and ways of living.

New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus: Concept, Movement, and Opportunities

  • 2 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Re-imagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond

The New European Bauhaus responds to the global challenges of the 21st century by developing ways of living and creating that blend design and sustainability.

On this two-week course, you will take an in-depth look at the NEB, and learn how it has led to an explosion of creativity across Europe.

Discover the design principles and environmental policies behind the NEB

The New European Bauhaus connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives, living spaces, and experiences.

By exploring the history of the ‘Bauhaus’, you will trace the evolution from the original movement to the transformative initiative we see today. Through the examination of how the values and principles of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion can be innovatively combined, you will be able to frame your understanding within the context of other European policies.

Examine how the New European Bauhaus models social sustainability

You will discover how the initiative is driving positive change and opening up access to further funding for socially-conscious yet aesthetic-driven projects.

Using five case studies, you will analyse key projects that stand as exemplars of NEB design and be able to explain how they deliver the mission of the NEB.

Explore opportunities linked to the New European Bauhaus

Accessing expert interviews, podcasts, and videos, you will learn how sustainability and style combine to drive green transitions in sectors including furniture, fashion, and construction.

By acquiring relevant knowledge, you will become able to critically assess the challenges and opportunities linked to the NEB and discuss potential future developments.

By the end of the course, you will have gained an in-depth understanding of the main concepts and direction of the New European Bauhaus.


  • Week 1

    Introducing the New European Bauhaus

    • Welcome

      Welcome to this short course on the New European Bauhaus!

    • Introduction to the New European Bauhaus

      The New European Bauhaus aims to inspire a movement to facilitate the transformation of our societies along the values of aesthetics, sustainability, and inclusion.

    • The values, principles and thematic axes behind the New European Bauhaus

      The values, principles and thematic axes behind the New European Bauhaus

    • The New European Bauhaus Compass

      The New European Bauhaus Compass

    • The delivering phase of the NEB. Synergies and opportunities within the EU policy environment

      The delivering phase of the NEB. Synergies and opportunities within the EU policy environment

    • Review and reflect on Week 1

      Review and reflect on Week 1

  • Week 2

    The NEB Community and case studies of the New European Bauhaus

    • Welcome to Week 2

      Welcome to Week 2

    • Introduction to the NEB Community & NEB Lab Projects

      Introduction to the NEB Community & NEB Lab Projects

    • The NEB Lighthouse Demonstrators

      The NEB Lighthouse Demonstrators

    • Inspiring NEB case studies from the NEB Prizes

      Inspiring NEB case studies

    • Review and reflect

      Review and reflect

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Discuss NEB history and background
  • Describe NEB values and principles
  • Explain the NEB thematic axes
  • Interpret the NEB position within the network of EU policies and strategies
  • Interpret NEB best practices and the design principles behind them
  • Identify the opportunities related to the NEB
  • Critically assess the success factors of mission-driven innovations

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for EU citizens interested in sustainable living who wish to better understand the concepts involved in the New European Bauhaus initiative.

It is suitable for anyone with an interest in sustainability, architecture, art, and design, and will benefit those who work within the design industries who want to explore sustainable initiatives in the creative sector.

This course would also benefit those interested in climate change who want to further their knowledge of EU policies and developments connected to the European Green Deal.

Who will you learn with?

I am a Professor of Circular Economy and Climate Change Management at the University of Turin, Dept of Management. My research is focused on entrepreneurship and sustainable business model innovation.

I am a researcher in the Department of Management at the University of Turin, in the fields of Circular Economy and Innovation. I believe in the power of experiential learning to drive change.

I am a Researcher at the University of Turin, Department of Management. I hold a PhD in Systems Dynamics and my research interests converge between performance management and sustainability.

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Who developed the course?

EIT Food

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.

New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

EIT Community

The EIT Community New European Bauhaus is an alliance of 5 EIT KICs: EIT Food, EIT Digital, EIT-Climate KIC, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility. A joint EIT Community NEB initiative was deployed to combine aesthetics, sustainability, and inclusion to increase citizen engagement and involve communities in the co-design of sustainable public spaces while delivering on the goals of the European Green Deal.

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  • Access expires 11 Apr 2024

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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