Ralston College

Ralston College is a new institution of higher education based in Savannah, Georgia that offers on-line instruction worldwide through its partnership with FutureLearn.
The College is preparing a wide range of courses that will aim to reveal, consider, and better understand the depth and complexity of the human condition by exploring rich and important works of literature, history, philosophy, religion, music, and the visual arts. These courses will be offered by distinguished scholars and inspiring teachers from around the globe.
At Ralston College, we explore works of art and intellect not because we idolize the past; but rather because they help us to better understand ourselves and the world. We grapple with great thinkers not because they were flawless, but because they illuminate our own time and culture. Above all, we embrace freedom of thought not to be contrarian but because only non-dogmatic, courageously free minds can tackle the problems facing the world today.
Students are challenged to ask – and are asked – difficult questions; and inspired to join a movement of intellectual freedom and courage.
We believe in education, not indoctrination, and we reject absolutely coercion of every kind. Rather, Ralston College maintains a simple commitment to freely seeking the truth, no matter where it leads, in considerate fellowship with others, and to sharing the riches of humanistic inquiry with anyone, anywhere.
Courses1 Course
Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our short online courses.