183,548 learner reviews
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Only learners who have taken a course can leave a FutureLearn review.
When a learner reaches the end of a course, they are sent an email inviting them to leave a review and rate the course.
We don't accept reviews of courses any other way–so you know the reviews are trustworthy.
The ratings score displayed is simply an average of every rating (1-5) that a learner has given for that specific course.
All reviews are moderated to ensure they align with our code of conduct. Only reviews that meet this code of conduct will be published.
We request reviews for all of our short courses, programs, and microcredentials.
Learners can leave a review regardless of whether the course was free, they upgraded, or they have FutureLearn Unlimited.
You can see reviews for a specific course on the course's course description page. Just click on 'Learner Reviews' at the top of the page or scroll down until you find them.
FutureLearn reviews will only be displayed for a course once the course has five reviews, so brand new courses will not show any reviews.