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Risk Management in the Global Economy

What is risk? This free course examines the financial markets and the role that risk management tools play in the global economy.

18,230 enrolled on this course

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Risk Management in the Global Economy

18,230 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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What is risk? Why does it matter, to us and to the financial markets? What are the principles that drive the management of risk? Can we ensure that these principles are implemented wisely?

This free online course will look at risk management in its broadest terms, giving you the opportunity to evaluate the crucial role played by risk in the global economy, both in terms of its opportunities and its potential dangers.

Understand financial investments and the associated risks

With experts from the Centre for Financial and Management Studies at SOAS University of London, you’ll look at practical examples of financial investments, to examine:

  • the main functions of finance and of risk management
  • the main forms of financial investment, such as stocks and bonds, derivatives, futures and options, hedging and speculation strategies
  • how firms hedge risk by using financial derivatives
  • how risk management is applied in the financial and in the non-financial sector.

Learn how the financial crisis and emerging markets are changing risk management

The course will explore how finance has changed in recent years, and ask if these changes have resulted in greater systemic risk for the financial sector and for the economy as a whole. By examining concepts such as behavioural finance, we’ll ask if inappropriate risk management has exacerbated the recent financial crisis.

Finally, we’ll turn our attention to new and emerging markets. For example, how is risk managed in Islamic finance? How might common tools alter risk in investment positions in mature markets as well as in the banking sector? And how can firms utilise risk management tools most effectively?

By the end of the four-week course, you’ll be able to:

  • understand financial markets and the principles of risk management
  • understand the main types of risk and evaluate the methods and tools used by firms to manage risks
  • examine ideas and methods used in the analysis of portfolios of financial securities, including stocks and bonds
  • explain the use of financial derivatives for hedging (reducing risk) and speculation (increasing risk) in financial markets
  • evaluate the application of risk methods and risk management tools in the global economy
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Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds Risk, derivatives, stocks and bonds, speculation and hedging. We may all have heard these terms, but what do they really mean? And why do they matter to us and to the financial markets? In this latest free course from SOAS University of London, we invite you to look at risk management in its broadest terms, and to explore the crucial role played by risk in the global economy, both in terms of opportunities, and also potential dangers. But what are the main types of risk? And what are the methods used by financial firms to manage them? We’ll use practical examples of financial investment to examine risk management concepts, tools, and techniques, and explore how these are used in forming and analysing portfolios.

Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds From futures and options to hedging strategies, we also examine how these tools might alter risk and investment positions as they are applied in markets around the world. Joining colleagues from our Centre for Financial and Management Studies, we look at the principles that drive the management of risk, and ask how can we ensure that these principles are implemented wisely? For example, why and how have credit rating agencies become so important? And what role did they play, if any, in the recent financial crisis? How are derivatives used to reduce the risks associated with changes in stock prices, interest rates and exchange rates? What this meant by Islamic finance?

Skip to 1 minute and 49 seconds How are applications of risk management used in emerging markets, such as countries in Asia and Africa, as well as in the banking sector? For those borrowing or investing, for students of economics and finance, and for those intrigued or confused by financial markets, this course can help you unpick the complex world of risk management, and how it might affect you. We look forward to sharing our insights about risk and learning with you.

What topics will you cover?

  • Understanding risk management
  • Understanding financial investment, including stocks and bonds, derivatives, futures and options, hedging and speculation strategies
  • Measuring and monitoring risk, including managing portfolios and calculating risk and returns
  • Applications of risk management

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Understand and explain financial markets and the principles of risk management
  • Understand the main types of risk and evaluate the methods and tools used by firms to manage risks
  • Examine and explain ideas and methods used in the analysis of portfolios of financial securities, including stocks and bonds
  • Explain the use of financial derivatives for hedging (reducing risk) and speculation (increasing risk) in financial markets
  • Evaluate the application of risk methods and risk management tools in the global economy

Who is the course for?

The course offers a broad overview of risk, and will be of interest to those looking to better understand financial instruments and their impact on the global economy.

This is a general level course, however some knowledge of economics or finance may be useful.

Who will you learn with?

I am a Professor of Economics in the School of Finance and Management at SOAS, University of London. My main research interests are in financial economics, macroeconomics and applied econometrics.

Hello, I am professor in Financial Economics at School of Finance & Management , SOAS University of London. I teach Risk Management course on campus. My research covers topics in financial economic

Who developed the course?

SOAS University of London

SOAS, University of London is the only Higher Education institution in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East.

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