Skip to 0 minutes and 1 second SPEAKER: Are you on autopilot when it comes to automation testing? Do you need to kickstart your skills on web applications? Well, look no further than this three-week course. Mayur Deshmukh from De ZINNIA Learning walks you through the fundamentals of automation in Java to help you get back to Automation Station. By taking this course, you will learn to retrieve, verify, and automate web elements, apply TestNG parameters, and create a TestNG automation framework. Choose when and where to learn. Step into your future with Selenium automation testing for web applications from Packt and FutureLearn.

3 weeksWeekly study
2 hours
Selenium Automation Testing for Web Applications
Improve your test automation processes with Selenium WebDriver
Web test automation replaces human interaction with automated processes across WebApps and operating systems, ensuring your coding runs smoothly.
On this three-week course, you’ll explore the processes of Selenium WebDriver, and learn how to use this powerful package of automation tools.
Test your web applications and elements, from browser pop-ups to JavaScript alerts
WebDriver can execute a variety of tests across browsers and is compatible with an array of programming languages.
On this course, you’ll explore test automation for WebElements, iFrames, mouse actions, and more. You’ll learn how to synchronise various tests, creating faster test cycles that can easily be repeated.
Develop an automation framework with the Page Object Model (POM)
As your projects grow in size and complexity, managing your work can become difficult.
You’ll explore POM design and learn how to simplify your work by creating a repository for your WebElements.
With these skills, you’ll be able to reduce code duplication and improve test script maintenance.
Expand your range of test categories with TestNG
The capabilities of Selenium WebDriver increase massively when used in conjunction with Java-based frameworks such as TestNG.
You’ll examine how to enhance your testing even further with inbuilt reporting, easier grouping methods, and flexible test configurations.
With TestNG, you can make parallel testing faster and easier. You’ll also be able to correct mistakes in record time with easy to read annotations.
By the end of this course, you’ll have learned how Selenium WebDriver can simplify your testing needs from unit testing to integration testing. With this knowledge you can spot and respond to mistakes, deploy bug-free applications across browsers, and maintain test scripts with ease.
Week 1
WebElements collection
Welcome and introduction
Welcome to the Selenium Automation Testing for Web Applications and the start of your learning journey, brought to you by Packt.
Working with WebElements collection
In this activity, we will apply different methods to deal with the collection of elements. We will learn how to retrieve the collection, take it into the list, and work on it.
Validating and verifying WebElements
In this activity, we will explore how to retrieve the validation details from WebElements, validate different CSS values and verify specific WebElements.
Special WebElements
In this activity, we will explore how to work with WebElements that need to be dealt with differently. We will explore working with the dropdowns or Multi-Selectboxes, Datepicker and WebTables.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of Week 1. In this activity, you will reflect on what you have learned.
Week 2
Testing within a browser
Introduction to Week 2
Welcome to Week 2. In this activity we'll highlight the main topics that will be covered this week.
Multiple browser windows
In this activity, we'll focus on working with multiple windows. More specifically, we'll explore how to switch the drive to a new window, how to work with multiple windows one at a time, and how to close multiple windows.
iFrames in Selenium
In this activity, we'll learn about finding and working with elements in iFrames and nested iFrames.
JavaScript alerts
In this activity, we'll explore how to handle the three types of JavaScript alerts, simple alert, confirmation box and prompt box.
Automating mouse actions
In this activity, we'll learn how to automate actions performed by using a mouse. We'll focus on actions such as mouse hover, right-click, drag-and-drop, resizing objects, and working with slider elements.
Test synchronisation
In this activity, we'll be introduced to the concept of test synchronisation and explore the different techniques of synchronisation.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of Week 2. In this activity, you will reflect on what you have learned.
Week 3
TestNG framework
Introduction to Week 3
Welcome to Week 3. In this activity we'll highlight the main topics that will be covered this week.
The basics of TestNG part 1
In this activity, we'll explore the following basic concepts of TestNG: Installation, assertions and annotations.
The basics of TestNG part 2
In this activity, we'll continue to explore the basic concepts of TestNG. We will focus on managing execution using XML files and some more annotations.
Page Factory and TestNG
In this activity, we’ll be introduced to the concept of Page Factory and learn how to create and initialise a WebElement factory.
Page Object Model
In this activity, we'll explore the concept of Page Object Model. We’ll learn how to implement the Page Object Model to use elements in test cases, and how to create a base class, a page library and a flow library.
Advanced TestNG part 1
In this activity, we'll be introduced to some concepts of advanced TestNG. We will focus on TestNG groups and parameters, and managing test dependencies.
Advanced TestNG part 2
In this activity, we'll explore more advanced TestNG concepts and continue building our framework for this week. We’ll wrap up by adding some finishing touches to the framework and practising in the downloadable framework.
Wrap up
You have reached the end of this course. In this activity, you will reflect on what you have learned.
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What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Identify how to retrieve and verify WebElements.
- Demonstrate how to automate WebElements.
- Apply TestNG parameters.
- Create a TestNG automation framework.
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for developers and those interested in beginning a career in software testing. A working knowledge of Java and basic knowledge of Selenium applications would be useful.
What software or tools do you need?
You’ll need access to an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Java, such as Eclipse.
What's included?
This is a premium course. These courses are designed for professionals from specific industries looking to learn with a smaller group of like-minded individuals.
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