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Bringing Urban Nature Into the Cities of Tomorrow

Learn why bringing nature into cities is essential for future urban planning, and how to do it successfully.

845 enrolled on this course

Fisherman’s Bend Melbourne

Bringing Urban Nature Into the Cities of Tomorrow

845 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Accreditation available

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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The CPD Certification Service

The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 and is the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies. Find out more.

See how nature can protect cities against extreme weather and other threats

There are many challenges facing cities today, including rapid population growth, climate change, extreme weather threats, food security, and the social and economic impact that these issues bring.

This course from RMIT will show you how effective urban nature can be in overcoming these challenges.

By the end of the two-week course, you’ll understand the evidence-based impact of bringing nature into cities and will be ready to apply the principle to your urban planning.

Understand the nature-based solutions that can be used for maximum social and environmental impact

In the first week of the course you’ll take a closer look at the types of nature-based solutions that are available.

You’ll also learn more about the effect biodiversity has on human health, and a city’s ability to resist extreme weather and climate change.

Learn how to implement nature-based solutions in your urban planning

Once you have a clear understanding of the positive environmental impact that biodiversity has on urban nature, you’ll explore the nature-based solutions that can create biodiversity.

You’ll also cover the need for capacity and resources, how to select the solution you’ll apply, and how citizens can be engaged in the process for maximum social impact.

Study urban nature principles with leading experts

Both educators on this course have years of experience and expertise, with their areas of interest including human behaviour’s role in conservation and urban biodiversity conservation.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds This course tackles the big question– how can nature help us overcome the challenges facing cities? You have the unique opportunity to join people from all over the world to explore ideas together and learn by understanding each other’s perspectives. Together, we create the opportunity for transforming cities by embedding nature into the urban fabric. We have undertaken research and also help to deliver cutting-edge examples of both new and retrofitted urban developments at the edges of cities right through to the urban heart. While the ideas and approaches are new, they are now in strong demand from industry, government, and community groups seeking to enhance nature in cities around the world.

Skip to 0 minutes and 53 seconds We begin with the assumption that everyone here comes with their own perspectives and experiences that contribute to co-creating knowledge. And now, we welcome you to be part of our learning community.

What topics will you cover?

This course will answer the following questions:

  • What are nature-based solutions in cities?​
  • What are the benefits of bringing nature into cities?​
  • How can nature-based solutions in cities be designed? What do these look like in practice?​
  • How can citizens be engaged in nature-based solutions?

Who is this accredited by?

The CPD Certification Service
The CPD Certification Service:

The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 and is the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Interpret the environmental and social impact of nature-based solutions
  • Investigate the evidence-based impact of building nature into cities
  • Explore approaches to designing and delivering nature-based solutions to address urban challenges
  • Identify how biodiversity impacts human health, wellbeing and environmental resilience

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for all city officials and urban planning professionals, including designers and developers, who want to make urban nature a top priority in their projects.

Who will you learn with?

Prof Bekessy leads ICON Science at RMIT which uses interdisciplinary approaches to solve complex biodiversity conservation problems. A key theme is designing cities to encourage ‘every day nature'.

Dr Holly Kirk is an urban ecologist passionate about translating science into positive on-ground action for people and nature. Her research investigates how we can bring wildlife back into cities.

Who developed the course?

RMIT University

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is a global university, with over 80,000 students, specialising in technology, design and enterprise.

  • Established

  • Location

    Melbourne, Australia
  • World ranking

    Top 210Source: QS World University Rankings 2022

EIT Community

The EIT Community New European Bauhaus is an alliance of 5 EIT KICs: EIT Food, EIT Digital, EIT-Climate KIC, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility. A joint EIT Community NEB initiative was deployed to combine aesthetics, sustainability, and inclusion to increase citizen engagement and involve communities in the co-design of sustainable public spaces while delivering on the goals of the European Green Deal.

European Union (Funded)

The member states of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.

New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

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  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
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