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Smart Screening for Prostate Cancer

Learn about prostate cancer screening methods and how to discuss screening options with patients.

570 enrolled on this course

Smart Screening for Prostate Cancer

570 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Advanced level

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Identify the pros and cons of prostate cancer screening methods

Prostate cancer is the second most common male cancer, with 1 in 8 men receiving a diagnosis in their lifetime.

On this four week course, you’ll learn from urologists and family medicine specialists, exploring the methods used to screen for prostate cancer.

You’ll assess evidence that both supports and criticises each method, allowing you to openly discuss the risks and benefits with your patients.

Examine prostate cancer epidemiology and risk factors

You’ll begin by exploring the epidemiology of the disease, identifying common risk factors that increase the chance of a positive diagnosis.

With most early prostate cancer sufferers asymptomatic, you’ll assess whether screening is a necessity for all men or just those identified as high risk.

Learn how to practice shared decision making

Shared decision making is a process where a doctor and patient discuss, negotiate, and agree on a course of action.

Having explored the complexities of prostate screening, its potential benefits, and associated risks, you’ll use case studies to examine the shared decision making approach to screening for prostate cancer.

Building on this knowledge, you’ll gain the skills to sensitively discuss screening, risks, and potential outcomes with your patients.

Explore treatment choices after a prostate cancer prognosis

You’ll finish this course by exploring what happens post-screening. You’ll learn how to interpret PSA results based on the risk of the patient, and what happens once a likely diagnosis of prostate cancer has been reached.

By the end of this course, using shared decision making, you’ll be able to support your patients, illustrating the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening and helping them make informed decisions if further treatment is required.


  • Week 1

    Prostate cancer epidemiology and risk factors

    • Getting Started

      Learn more about the course, and get around with our instructors and other participants who will be joining you. Be one of the "smart screeners" for prostate cancer.

    • Epidemiology of prostate cancer

      In this activity, we are going to share with you the incidence rate (Worldwide and in Malaysia), presentation and risk factors of prostate cancer.

    • Weekly wrap up

      Congratulations on making it to the end of WEEK ONE!

  • Week 2

    Prostate cancer screening methods and its pros and cons

    • Welcome to week 2

      A brief introduction before we start.

    • Prostate cancer screening methods

      This activity is going to introduce you to different types of screening methods for prostate cancer, together with their latest evidence and controversies.

    • Pros and cons of prostate cancer screening

      Let's have a look at the benefits and potential harms of prostate cancer screening.

    • Weekly wrap up

      Congratulations! You are at the end of week two.

  • Week 3

    Prostate cancer screening using shared decision making

    • Welcome to week 3

      Welcome to week 3!

    • Case scenario

      How would you handle these situations?

    • Practicing shared decision making

      Shared decision-making is important before deciding to screen or not for prostate cancer. In this activity, you will learn what is shared decision making and how it is going to be.

    • Weekly wrap up

      It's time to review your learning!

  • Week 4

    Post-screening for prostate cancer

    • Welcome to week 4

      This activity will provide you with some ideas on things to consider after the prostate cancer screening.

    • Final Assessment

      It's time to test your knowledge!

    • End of course

      Congratulations! You have complete the whole course

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explain the epidemiology and presentation of prostate cancer.
  • Assess patients’ risk factors of having prostate cancer.
  • Compare prostate cancer screening methods and their accuracies.
  • Explain the benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening.
  • Apply the shared decision-making approach with patients when discussing prostate cancer screening.
  • Develop an appropriate prostate cancer screening and management plan for patients.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for primary care doctors, general practitioners, family medicine specialists, and allied health professionals. It is also suitable for medical and biomedical students who want to further their understanding of prostate cancer screening.

Who will you learn with?

Hi everyone! I am a senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Care Medicine, Universiti Malaya. My areas of interest are cancer screening and digital health.

I am a urologist. Focusing on research and teaching on uro-oncology.

Hi, I am a Family Physician and Adjunct Professor. Shared decision making and cancer screening is one of my area of research.

Hi everyone! I am a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. My area of expertise revolves around digital health and men's health.

Hi folks! I am a clinical researcher with great interest in prostate cancer, healthcare innovation and entrepreneurship.

Hi everyone! I am a senior lecturer and primary care physician in the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.

Hello! I am a Urologist with special interest in Female & Functional Urology and stones in the urinary tract. I also treat patients with prostate cancer and other urology related malignancies.

Hi Everyone! I am a Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Malaya.

Who developed the course?

Universiti Malaya

Universiti Malaya is the premier research university in Malaysia, committed to advancing knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity.

  • Established

  • Location

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • World ranking

    Top 60Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

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