• University of Strathclyde
  • Dunhill Medical Trust Logo
  • University of Edinburgh - School of Health in Social Science Logo

Supporting Medicine Use by Older People with Visual and/or Hearing Impairment

Examine the medicine-related challenges that older people with sensory impairment experience and how we can improve their care. 

442 enrolled on this course

Supporting Medicine Use by Older People with Visual and/or Hearing Impairment

442 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Understand medicines management for older people with sensory impairment

Many countries are experiencing ageing populations. Older people are more likely to have long-term health conditions and to use multiple medicines to manage these. In addition, older people are also more likely to experience visual and/or hearing impairment (also called sensory impairment).

On this four-week course, you’ll learn how to support the safe and effective use of medicines by older people with sensory impairment.

Older people with sensory impairment (visual and/or hearing) can experience multiple difficulties at every stage of their medicine journey – from ordering and obtaining to storing and administering their medicines.

On the course, you’ll learn about the medicine-related challenges faced by older people with sensory impairment as well as the potential solutions to address these challenges. 

Discover strategies for person-centred care 

With an understanding of the difficulties older people with sensory impairment face, you’ll learn about techniques and strategies to support their safe, effective, and person-centred use of medicines.

You’ll discover the importance of communication before learning about the technologies that can help to support older people with sensory impairment.

Finally, you’ll learn practical skills about being person-centred in consultations and interactions with older people with sensory impairment and their medicines. 

Learn from the experts at the University of Strathclyde

Throughout the course, you will be guided by specialists from the University of Strathclyde. With their expertise, you’ll develop the knowledge to support the safe and effective use of medicines by older people with sensory impairment.  

Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds By 2050, around 20 million people in the UK will be aged 65 or over. By the age of 70, 50% of the population will have at least two long-term health conditions. Some of these might relate to visual and/or hearing impairment. One in six people aged 65 and above use 10 or more medicines. Obtaining, ordering, storing, and administering these medicines can be challenging to people with sensory impairments. Join us in this course where we will introduce the challenges that older people with sensory impairments face when dealing with their medicines. The course also aims to promote the safe and effective use of medicines with a person-centred approach.

Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds Over four weeks, we will introduce you to Alicia, George, and Caroline, three older people with sensory impairments. They all have challenges to overcome when it comes to ordering, storing, obtaining, and administering their medicines. We will present effective strategies and look at some different technologies available that can be used to support the safe and person-centred care of older people with sensory impairment in terms of their medicines management. This MOOC is aimed at health care professionals involved in any aspects of medicine use and supply. It will also be of use to those involved in social care, such as carers, and anyone who may be supporting the medicine journey of people with sensory impairments.

Skip to 1 minute and 38 seconds Join our team of experts in examining the challenges faced by older people with sensory impairment and the different ways you can help to mitigate these. We look forward to working with you.


  • Week 1

    An introduction to supporting the safe and effective use of medicines by older people with sensory impairment insert here

    • Welcome to the course

      We are delighted you have joined us! In this section you will find out about the course overall, how you will learn, and meet your educators.

    • Welcome to Week 1

      Welcome to the first week of the course. This week, we will learn about sensory impairment and medicines optimisation.

    • Sensory impairment

      In this section we will discuss the prevalence of hearing and/or visual impairment in older people and consider how sensory impairment may affect their ability to manage their medicines safely and effectively.

    • Medicines Optimisation

      Here we will introduce the four guiding principles of medicines optimisation and reflect on how these principles can be applied to the care of older people with sensory impairment.

    • End of week task

      As we come to the end of week 1, we'll take a moment to reflect on what we've learned so far.

  • Week 2

    Medicines management challenges of older people with sensory loss and impairment

    • Welcome to Week 2

      Welcome to the second week of the course. This week we will look at how the medicine journey impacts older people with sensory impairment.

    • Medicines and older people

      As we age we are more likely to develop long-term conditions and to use more medicines. We discuss the impact of polypharmacy on older people with sensory impairment, and the resulting challenges they experience.

    • Medicines Journey

      In this section we discuss the medicines journey - from consultation to disposal of medicines. We focus on challenges for older people with sensory impairment at each stage of the medicines journey.

    • End of week task

      As we come to the end of week 2, we'll take a moment to reflect on what we've learned so far.

  • Week 3

    Effective strategies to support safe, effective and person-centered medicines management for older people with sensory impairment and loss

    • Welcome to week 3

      Welcome to the third week of the course. This week, we will introduce effective strategies to support safe and effective medicines management.

    • Communication and support of OPwSI

      Good communication enables healthcare professionals to tailor prescribed medicines to the individual's needs and abilities to promote safe and effective use of medicines.

    • Developing strategies and solutions to support OPwSI and their medicines

      In this section we consider strategies and solutions that could be used to improve care of older people with sensory impairment and their medicines.

    • End of week task

      As we come to the end of week 3, we'll take a moment to reflect on what we've learned so far.

  • Week 4

    Practice person-centered medicines management support for older people with sensory loss and impairment.

    • Welcome to week 4

      Welcome to the fourth and final week of the course. The content will focus on the practice of person-centered medicines management and how to support older people with sensory loss and impairment.

    • Person-centered care

      In this section we look at person-centred care in the context of our three personas and consider legal requirements for information provision.

    • Why this matters?

      Why safe and supporting medicines care is important?

    • End of course task

      As we come to the end of the course, we'll test our knowledge of what we have learned over the past four weeks.

    • Summary and Thank you

      We would like to thank everybody who has taken part in this course and we really hope you enjoyed learning with us.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Discuss sensory loss and impairment.
  • Summarise the medicines management needs of older people (including risks and vulnerabilities).
  • Describe the medicines management challenges faced by older people with sensory loss and impairment.
  • Identify effective strategies to support safe and effective person-centered medicines management for older people with sensory impairment and loss.
  • Practice person-centered medicines management support for older people with sensory loss and impairment.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for health and social care professionals.

You may be a pharmacist, general practitioner, practice nurse, carer, or other health and social professional looking to gain more knowledge about medicines management.

It may also be of interest to those with visual and/or hearing loss.

Who will you learn with?

Hello. I am Mags Watson and I am a Professor of Health Services Research and a registered pharmacist.

Who developed the course?

University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university located in Glasgow, Scotland’s biggest city, committed to useful learning.

Dunhill Medical Trust

The Dunhill Medical Trust makes charitable grants for the furtherance of medical knowledge and research and for care and accommodation of older people, with a particular emphasis on new and innovative projects.

University of Edinburgh - School of Health in Social Science

The School of Health in Social Science seeks to foster an environment of inclusivity that recognises the dignity and value of everyone.

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