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Workplace Wellbeing: How to Build Confidence and Manage Stress

Discover workplace wellbeing through stress management, building self-esteem, task prioritisation, and healthy relationships.

9,259 enrolled on this course

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Workplace Wellbeing: How to Build Confidence and Manage Stress

9,259 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Open level

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Learn strategies for managing stress in the workplace to improve your wellbeing

Many of us suffer from feelings of low self-esteem and stress at work. This can make going to work a trying experience, and have a negative impact on other aspects of our lives.

This course from the Luleå University of Technology is designed to help you enjoy better workplace wellbeing.

class central badge This course has been ranked as one of the most popular online courses of 2021 by online course aggregator class central.

Explore strategies to reduce workplace stress

The key themes in this course will help you enjoy a better work life and improved mental health at work. Topics covered in this workplace wellbeing course include how to manage stress in the workplace, reducing your workload through prioritisation, workplace roles and responsibilities, building self-esteem, and more.

Build self-esteem and understand your true worth

Ultimately, this course will help you to identify negative emotions, allowing you to reflect on these and take steps to counteract them. This will have the effect of reducing workplace stress, building self-esteem, and helping you better manage task prioritisation.

The end result will be improved mental health and wellbeing, which will empower you to get greater pleasure from your work.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds We have all felt workplace stress at one time or another.

Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Sometimes we feel overwhelmed or that we’re wasting our time on the wrong things. Maybe it’s that mountain of tasks that keeps growing and growing.

Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds It could be that a lack of confidence is holding you back, or perhaps you just have a hard time saying no to your boss.

Skip to 0 minutes and 30 seconds There can be many reasons for stress in the workplace. If any of these issues resonate with you, then be sure to join us for the solution. Luleå University of Technology presents the course Workplace Wellbeing How to manage stress and build confidence. The courses offered online and includes a practical guide that will help you develop your own action plan for managing stress, building confidence and balancing your workload. You will learn how to plan your work and spend time on what really matters, along with a plan for self-improvement. Learn from Joseph Hallberg, one of our esteemed professors at Luleå University of Technology.

Skip to 1 minute and 16 seconds He will share from his own experience of struggling with both stress and lack of confidence and give you practical tips on managing your workload.

Skip to 1 minute and 26 seconds Join now and receive exclusive advice that you can apply to your own situation in order to achieve workplace wellbeing.

What topics will you cover?

The course explores three key themes which each address the overarching issue of surviving the workplace. These themes include managing stress, managing tasks, and improving self-confidence and self-worth. Throughout the course you will explore

  • How your physical and emotional wellbeing contributes to stress, and what changes you can make to reduce your stress and improve your quality of life in the workplace.
  • How to reduce your workload by way of prioritizing tasks and effort spent on completing tasks while maintaining a healthy and professional relation to work and colleagues.
  • The different roles and responsibilities in the workplace and what you can do to improve your situation by navigating common pitfalls and misunderstandings.
  • Your self-worth and how you can work to improve your self-confidence, develop your skills, and gain a better understanding of your importance in the workplace.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify undesired personal reactions to typical workplace situations.
  • Reflect upon ways to improve your personal wellbeing at the workplace.
  • Understand how certain behavior affects others and learn how to use this understanding to improve work relations and your own situation at the workplace.
  • Develop a toolbox of helpful strategies and tactics to use in order to reduce stress and to improve your wellbeing at the workplace.
  • Discover your self-worth and your importance at the workplace.

Who is the course for?

This workplace wellbeing course is aimed at anyone who faces challenges of stress or low self-esteem at work.

It would benefit those who face workplace stress in their current roles, as well as jobseekers anxious about returning or entering the workplace.

Who will you learn with?

Associate professor in Pervasive and Mobile Computing at Luleå university of technology, Sweden. Over 15 years experience of research in e-health and technology to support mental wellbeing.

Who developed the course?

Luleå University of Technology

The Luleå University of Technology mission is to shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Located in the arctic region, the university creates global societal benefit.

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  • Access expires 11 Apr 2024

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

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  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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