• University of York

STEM Teaching: Teaching Science Beyond The Boundaries

Discover the importance of taking an interdisciplinary approach to science teaching to inspire the next generation of scientists.

691 enrolled on this course

Views of cities, countryside and industry behind a globe of the Earth. The globe is surrounded by a series of symbols representing different applications of science.

STEM Teaching: Teaching Science Beyond The Boundaries

691 enrolled on this course

  • 3 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Gain an introduction to interdisciplinary science

On this three-week course, you’ll deepen your understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of science and its importance in human decision-making.

This knowledge will give you more confidence in communicating to your students the role of science in society, and equipping them with the skills necessary to make evidence-informed decisions.

You’ll start by gaining an introduction to interdisciplinary science teaching as you explore resources and practical strategies that support working with other disciplines. By the end, you’ll have the tools to help ensure the next generation of scientists is more aware of what the sciences can – and cannot – do.

Unpack useful teaching strategies

You’ll discuss what successful interdisciplinary teaching looks like and how barriers, which prevent it, can be overcome.

With this understanding, you’ll delve into practices and teaching strategies that will help you implement this approach.

Learn to embed interdisciplinary teaching into your curriculum

You’ll then gain an insight into how interdisciplinary teaching can be successfully embedded into your own practice.

By evaluating the research project ‘science beyond the boundaries’, you’ll see interdisciplinary teaching in action to understand the learning outcomes and teaching units you can use in your classroom.

Learn from science education specialists at the University of York

The team from the University of York are specialists in science education research and practice. You’ll be guided throughout from experts in the field, to ensure you finish the course with the knowledge and confidence to start teaching interdisciplinary science.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds How can we best tackle the climate crisis? What should be the limits of medical interventions that prolong or enhance life? Can you own parts of space? What scientific research should or should not be funded? Who should decide how new science is used? These are a few of the big questions facing people and the planet. Science can help us to answer these questions - but it only takes us so far. Just as scientists are increasingly working in interdisciplinary teams, this course explores a set of resources that will enable teachers to go beyond the boundaries of science with their students, and to consider, holistically, some of the most important issues of our time.

Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds When it comes to big questions we need to use science AND other ways of knowing - from economics and politics to philosophy and religion - in order to help us search for meaning, purpose and truth. In this course we want to spark your curiosity about science beyond subject boundaries and enable you to tackle

Skip to 1 minute and 13 seconds important topics such as: Artificial life Commercial exploration of space Human enhancement Climate engineering Art conservation The resources we’ve developed will take your students’ thinking beyond the boundaries of science lessons, to highlight the benefits – and necessity – of exploring these topics from interdisciplinary perspectives. Whilst completing this MOOC, you will explore the benefits of interdisciplinary teaching for your students, hear from teachers and students about their experiences, and develop a range of practical strategies for successfully incorporating interdisciplinary work in your school or classroom. By engaging with big questions of science, from a range of different perspectives, students can develop skills, understandings and enthusiasms that help make them better scientists - and better citizens. What part could you play in this?


  • Week 1

    What is interdisciplinary teaching?

    • A welcome and introduction the course

      An introduction to the course and to the Science Beyond the Boundaries team, a welcome from the lead educator, and the opportunity to introduce yourself and to meet fellow learners for the first time.

    • Why is teaching science beyond the boundaries important?

      A reflection on why it is often helpful to think about applications of science beyond and across the usual subject boundaries.

    • Why do some topics need an interdisciplinary approach?

      An exploration of why many applications of science require an interdisciplinary approach, and of why many important questions can only be answered fully with a multidisciplinary approach including science.

    • What is interdisciplinary teaching?

      A brief introduction to what interdisciplinary teaching can look like in practice.

    • Approaches to teaching and learning science beyond the boundaries

      A look at some strategies that are commonly used for interdisciplinary teaching and learning.

    • Case study: Prenatal ultrasound (medical diagnosis)

      A consideration of how this Science Beyond the Boundaries unit differs from the 'usual' teaching of ultrasound in physics lessons and how interdisciplinary teaching affects learning objectives.

    • Review of week one

      A summary of the key points covered during the week and a look forward to next week: what successful interdisciplinary teaching looks like in practice.

  • Week 2

    What does successful interdisciplinary science teaching look like?

    • Introduction to week two

      A short introduction to what we are going to cover this week and the understanding we hope you will have by the end of it.

    • Outcomes of successful interdisciplinary science teaching

      A look at learning outcomes that are achievable through an interdisciplinary approach and the use of Science Beyond the Boundaries teaching units.

    • Creating the conditions for interdisciplinary science teaching

      A review of characteristics that have been observed to help make interdisciplinary teaching successful and a reflection on which are realistically possible to support and facilitate in a school.

    • Barriers to interdisciplinary teaching

      An assessment of the barriers that a teacher may face in teaching Science Beyond the Boundaries units to students age 16-19.

    • Overcoming barriers to interdisciplinary teaching

      A reflection on strategies from research, and on an example from a Science Beyond the Boundaries unit, of how the barriers to interdisciplinary science teaching may be overcome.

    • Review of week two

      A summary of the key points covered during the week and a look forward to next week: teaching Science Beyond the Boundaries (getting to grips with the resources).

  • Week 3

    Teaching Science Beyond the Boundaries

    • 'Engage' with the 5E model of instruction

      A short introduction to help you engage with the content of this week and to find out what it is we hope you will understand by the end of it.

    • ‘Explore’ Science Beyond the Boundaries

      An exploration of how Science Beyond the Boundaries teaching units can enable and support interdisciplinary teaching in a range of situations.

    • ‘Explain’ Science Beyond the Boundaries learning outcomes

      An explanation of how the research evidence that we have explored has been used to develop learning outcomes for the Science Beyond the Boundary teaching units.

    • 'Explain' Science Beyond the Boundaries teaching units

      An explanation of how the research evidence that we have explored has been used to develop the structure of the Science Beyond the Boundary teaching teaching units.

    • 'Elaborate' on what is understood

      A reflection on what students and teachers can do to apply interdisciplinary understanding to new situations, which involve applications of science.

    • 'Evaluate' Science Beyond the Boundaries

      An evaluation of how the 5E instructional model supports the intended learning outcomes of Science Beyond the Boundaries.

    • Planning to teach Science Beyond the Boundaries

      A review of the course and thinking practically about what the next steps might be.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Reflect on the nature of science, its place in society and on how we form rational decisions on big societal questions.
  • Explain the role of interdisciplinary teaching in equipping young people with skills necessary to make evidence-informed decisions.
  • Discuss what successful interdisciplinary teaching looks like and how barriers, which prevent it, can be overcome.
  • Describe how interdisciplinary teaching could be successfully embedded into your own practice or school.
  • Apply resources and approaches from the research project ‘Science Beyond the Boundaries’ to explore a big societal question, or questions, through an interdisciplinary approach with your own learners.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for science teachers who are interested in broadening their curriculum and learning to teach complex and controversial issues in science.

It will be particularly useful for secondary science teachers, post-16 science teachers, and teachers of general studies.

Who will you learn with?

Senior Lecturer in Science Education at the University of York.

Curriculum Specialist in Science Education (Physics), University of York.

I am a Research Associate in the University of York Science Education Group, with a special interest in career and identity development, and environmental education

Who developed the course?

University of York

The University of York combines the pursuit of academic excellence with a culture of inclusion, which encourages everyone – from a variety of backgrounds – to achieve their best.

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